(03-04-2015, 05:42 AM)Folk-love Wrote: I don't understand how you guy's are finding out this information about past lives, or anything metaphysical in general? Is it all done via meditation? I thought that the healthiest view to have is that any information you need will be given to you and the rest is not particularly important at this point in time. Although I suppose that that is not very pro-active and more will be available to you the more effort you put into finding it.
I just wanted to say that the information needed won't usually be provided without some kind of effort. Or rather, if you had no desire to know, then no actions would manifest that would lead to understanding.
"[...] This too may be seen to have been of concern to Logoi which were aware that without the need to understand, understanding would forever be left undone. [...]"
The lessons of your present incarnation work off of your desires. You could say your natural desires are your "course load" so to speak. You program the desires your incarnate self will have that will lead you to the lessons you came to learn. But they are just the bread crumb trail. You still have to pursue it for it to lead to anything significant.