07-23-2010, 12:24 AM
(07-23-2010, 12:14 AM)Confused Wrote: I intuitively know it makes a lot of sense, but whether it converts into pragmatic wisdom within me is dependent on the level of spiritual awareness that my being currently holds.
Fair enough. Continuing with type 6:
At best, type 6 has a vision of God as the ultimate force inspiring positive collaboration in mutual trust and goodwill between all people.
A more limited version is that God is the hard work and favorable results of The Elect or The Elite as they strive together to fulfill the Will of God and create Heaven on Earth.
Either way, the ultimate feeling is that if we mind our manners and fulfill our apprenticeship, Dad will be happy to have us join him in the workshop. Almost always put unconsciously, as the need for The Colony, The Party, The Family, The State, The Company, The Team and so on. And consciously chosen by social memory complexes, according to Ra, as their form of blended service.
The greatest service to others that a type 6 can offer is totally trusting, heartfelt collaboration at the highest level, with those equally able to contribute to a shared Work of Ultimate Value.
The most depraved service to self that a type 6 can manipulate is trying to buy the cooperation of the untrustworthy by unwisely trusting them, as though if they were only given enough cooperation that would somehow heal the ethical holes in the other people's hearts, or substitute for their lack of competence, goodwill, or teamwork capability.
This negative attitude ultimately embodies a vision of God as the esprit de corps of the only winning team, who have to be buttered up even though they're miserable people. You can this put into exciting action form in movies about spies, infiltration of crime rings, and so forth; The Usual Suspects is a superb example of this kind of violent mind-twister about which bad guys should trust which other bad guys.
I suppose that "A Message to Garcia" may be highly motivating to type 6. For those not familiar with it, Garcia was a soldier who was entrusted to memorize an offer of political help to some rebel forces in a hostile land. Garcia's only role was to be willing to risk his life as he did what he was told, went where the teams of rebel forces took him, forwarded the message about available teamwork, and accurately remembered it so the home team and the away team could coordinate their war effort.
Trying to motivate other types with the joys of better teamwork is easy enough for an unaware type 6 to do. But it leaves everyone bitter, confused, unhappy and resentful, since this is not the primary motivating force for the other types all around the Enneagram.
Coming up: Type 9 tomorrow, then the part that really excites me most, the lines of integration connecting up life experience between these types. Then on to types 2, 5, and 8; the last batch will be 7, 4, and 1, letting us complete the diagram. I'll then bring in the link to the Directional article explaining why I presented the types in this order, and we'll go back to look at them in a numerical order approach that may relate more closely to the chakras.
Please continue with any questions or comments.