(07-21-2010, 12:27 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Usually because a Soul just can not take earth life anymore... and rather than destroy a perfectly good body that is capable of
I have had the feeling that you highlighted very often at the core of my being. May be I should ask the universe as to whether I can become the target of a positive walk-in. I sometimes am very tired of this 'game' of infinite creation (at not only this level, i.e. 3d) that I would just like to dissolve back into the creator. But no one seems to be listening to that wish :-/
(07-21-2010, 07:13 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: But I can see how experiencing certain distortions has helped me relate to and serve others with parallel distortions.
I think that is the key. We would call this feeling in secular terms as empathy.
GLB - why did the one infinite creator have to 'dream' with us as characters? I am tired and would like to go 'home' if the creator can unplug 'my' character off the dream :p