03-13-2009, 06:17 AM
You're definitely not the only ones experiencing this, and I agree that it's an important topic of discussion!
I also agree with ayadew that the appropriate response, as indicated by Ra, is love, acceptance, and forgiveness. It's sometimes difficult to remember this, though, in the midst of it! We can help remind one another.
When I first got into metaphysics, but before discovering the Law of One, I read someplace that the UniVerse would 'test our resolve' anytime we made a decision to improve ourselves, by tempting us with whatever it was we were trying to overcome. For example, if we had decided to be more patient and loving towards a co-worker, the next day the co-worker might do something particularly annoying, unwittingly playing the role of tempting us to fall back into our previous pattern of anger.
Being aware of this common pattern would help us to not fall back, but persevere in our resolve to improve our response.
This made sense to me at the time, and still does, and has proven helpful many, many times in my life when I have found myself backsliding soon after deciding to improve in some area of my life.
Another simple, common analogy is that of fighting fire with fire...we've all heard that one. So simple to understand! Of course responding to attack with love is like pouring water on a fire, while responding in kind, with hostility, is like pouring gasoline onto a raging fire. Such simple analogies are useful when in the heat of the moment in dealing with an aggressor.
Likewise, understanding the nature of psychic greeting has helped tremendously in dealing with it when it happens. No matter how intense or frightening it might be, having read the Law of One, I KNOW what my correct response must be. It may take me a long time to get to a place of love/acceptance/forgiveness, but it's incredibly comforting to have that ideal to aspire to. I feel that I have a tool, or weapon so to speak, which I know is guaranteed to work, if I but remember to use it. That's very comforting and powerful!
What does everyone think about doing physical actions to facilitate protection? The LBRP, using salt, etc. Are these merely props to help us get into a state of love, or are they powerful unto themselves? Rituals create energies/thoughtforms...is it our intention that give them power, or do they already have power in and of themselves...ie., the pentagram and its direction being meaningful, for example....? I'm interested in discussing how much of the protective power is in the doing, and how much is in the loving, and where do they meet.
And, remember when Ra said that STS entities often use 2D entities to do their bidding? What is everyone's experiences regarding viral infections, cockroaches, gremlins, and other such nasties? Have you noticed that they tend to appear whenever you've opened the door to them by responding in a less-than-loving way? Do you utilize this knowledge in your approach in dealing with them physically? Or do you just call the exterminator?
I also agree with ayadew that the appropriate response, as indicated by Ra, is love, acceptance, and forgiveness. It's sometimes difficult to remember this, though, in the midst of it! We can help remind one another.
When I first got into metaphysics, but before discovering the Law of One, I read someplace that the UniVerse would 'test our resolve' anytime we made a decision to improve ourselves, by tempting us with whatever it was we were trying to overcome. For example, if we had decided to be more patient and loving towards a co-worker, the next day the co-worker might do something particularly annoying, unwittingly playing the role of tempting us to fall back into our previous pattern of anger.
Being aware of this common pattern would help us to not fall back, but persevere in our resolve to improve our response.
This made sense to me at the time, and still does, and has proven helpful many, many times in my life when I have found myself backsliding soon after deciding to improve in some area of my life.
Another simple, common analogy is that of fighting fire with fire...we've all heard that one. So simple to understand! Of course responding to attack with love is like pouring water on a fire, while responding in kind, with hostility, is like pouring gasoline onto a raging fire. Such simple analogies are useful when in the heat of the moment in dealing with an aggressor.
Likewise, understanding the nature of psychic greeting has helped tremendously in dealing with it when it happens. No matter how intense or frightening it might be, having read the Law of One, I KNOW what my correct response must be. It may take me a long time to get to a place of love/acceptance/forgiveness, but it's incredibly comforting to have that ideal to aspire to. I feel that I have a tool, or weapon so to speak, which I know is guaranteed to work, if I but remember to use it. That's very comforting and powerful!
What does everyone think about doing physical actions to facilitate protection? The LBRP, using salt, etc. Are these merely props to help us get into a state of love, or are they powerful unto themselves? Rituals create energies/thoughtforms...is it our intention that give them power, or do they already have power in and of themselves...ie., the pentagram and its direction being meaningful, for example....? I'm interested in discussing how much of the protective power is in the doing, and how much is in the loving, and where do they meet.
And, remember when Ra said that STS entities often use 2D entities to do their bidding? What is everyone's experiences regarding viral infections, cockroaches, gremlins, and other such nasties? Have you noticed that they tend to appear whenever you've opened the door to them by responding in a less-than-loving way? Do you utilize this knowledge in your approach in dealing with them physically? Or do you just call the exterminator?