02-10-2015, 09:59 PM
The planet has been largely under the influence of freewill chosers of the STS group. They have created the *system* and have maintained POWER over the masses through use of secret knowledge and thru dark power ritual sacrifice.
This was/is part of the Plan in the grander scheme of Creation - most possibly being useful as catalyst so that mankind can wake up and *know* themselves as they truly are - which is Source/LOVE.
On a more personal note I want to say that the more I *wake* up, the less I am amused by the reality of it.
This was/is part of the Plan in the grander scheme of Creation - most possibly being useful as catalyst so that mankind can wake up and *know* themselves as they truly are - which is Source/LOVE.
On a more personal note I want to say that the more I *wake* up, the less I am amused by the reality of it.