12-17-2014, 03:06 AM
Hey guys - have you thought about changing the format of the show slightly? I heard the show where you answered my question (THANKS! Was great to hear feedback) and you were asking for more questions. I thought that instead of a call-in, you could just set up a more talk-show-like format, where you engage a few of us at a time on Skype for a half hour or so. Then the next week we can switch to other people. I notice that one feature of the current format is that it's very deliberate, and as such very paced. If you get two or three others at a time, have everyone pick a topic beforehand, and just let it rip, I think you'll end up with much more lively discussions, lots of new ideas coming in, and you definitely will not be at a loss for questions. I know I personally would LOVE to participate in this if I can match my time zone to yours.