(11-24-2014, 11:26 PM)Parsons Wrote: My own interpretation of this is that they weren't necessarily saying the entire transition period would be over in 100 years. In particular when they said "And yet we say to you that entities moving into incarnation here will more and more be those which are dual-activated until finally, within say one of your centuries by most probability/possibility vortices, you will have no pure third-density entities living upon your planet.", I think they were just referring to a milestone in that transition period. I'm guessing that by the end of the entire transition period, there will be no more third density entities OR dual bodied entities.
Now that you've pointed this out I understand what you mean. The milestone represents the entire earth population of dual activated entities only. Then, the 3D population shrinks quickly. But does it shrink along the way?
(11-24-2014, 11:26 PM)Parsons Wrote: I would like to put my spin on it and address something that I know someone will.
Firstly, the elephant in the room: many people do not resonate as much with Q'uo as much as they do Ra for various reasons. The prime example being that it was a conscious channeling rather than a trance channeling. I don't so much mind that, but the thing I have noticed a few times is that a questioner with a strong opinion was given an answer which was essentially telling them what they want to hear. I'm assuming that is to preserve their free will. I still resonate with certain information from Q'uo, but I am careful to discern any reason for biasing an answer. In this case, I don't believe the answer was biased very much, if a all. The reason I don't see much/any bias could be that I am biased towards this answer, but I am taking that into account and am trying to look at the situation objectively.
Hmm, I can see that as quite a factor.
Looking back on this thread, Ankh summed up a plausible transition based off the Ra Material alone.
(11-24-2014, 11:26 PM)Ankh Wrote: *The Harvest will begin approximately around year 2011. This Harvest is a time/space event, which means that all entities who will die after the year 2011 or are not incarnated at that time, will be subjects to the Harvest regardless of their personal circumstances (Ra, 9.3, 17.29, 48.7). So, unless we die, go through the Harvest/or not, and come back to tell everyone here, it is hard to say whether Ra was right or wrong about that. But my understanding is that the Harvest is in full activity right now, as that clock has stroke this hour.
*We, who are in space/time incarnation now, are in the so called transitional period, which will go on for 100-700 years (Ra, 40.8).
*During this transitional period there will be gradual, evolutionary process of body complexes by bisexual reproduction into full fourth density bodies (Ra, 65.25 & 65.27). First those dual activated bodies, who will then give birth to full fourth density bodies.
(11-20-2014, 11:37 PM)Sabou Wrote: This is how I interpret it as well, entities on earth right now who are only 3rd density and as well as those who are 3rd/4th density (though - and this is wild speculation - but 3rd/4th dual density entities may have a choice later to not face full physical death as we know it and maybe find a way to rid themselves of the part of them that is 3rd density?) will live out their lives of natural means whether that is death by old age or whichever way, and not until the last of 3rd density entities are gone shall the earth be able to approach full 4th density in space/time. Then there there will only be dual activated entities and full 4th density present on the earth and like i said the dual activated entities may be able to not face true physical death and become full 4th density entities.
But whadda I know ...durp ...
I have pondered this before as well with the same conclusion. It could be true..
Quote:63.28 ↥ Questioner: Then are these entities of which we spoke, the third-density harvestable who have been transferred, are they the ones who then will, by bisexual reproduction, create the fourth-density complexes that are necessary?
Ra: I am Ra. The influxes of true-color green energy complexes will more and more create the conditions in which the atomic structure of cells of bodily complexes is that of the density of love. The mind/body/spirit complexes inhabiting these physical vehicles will be, and to some extent, are, those of whom you spoke and, as harvest is completed, the harvested entities of this planetary influence.