Q'uo points towards a somewhat gradual viewpoint, having a significant amount to say on the subject which may bring some conclusion. Q'uo mentions a 100ish year period for the pure 3rd density entities to leave the planet by natural death, and after that, a rapid progression as "the third-density population of the planet will indeed shrink in a natural and organic way".*
*So, what does that mean in light of Ra's statement of 4th density bodies being created? Where will they come from if dual-activated bodies 'refrain from producing children'?
Analyzed from another thread:
Dual 3rd and 4th Density Bodies Are a Clue As To the Harvest
The suggestion has been made many times that the planetary sphere itself would, through the necessity of altering its magnetic polarity to some extent, shake off all life as a dog would shake off fleas. And indeed, one reason that wanderers first came to this particular planetary sphere was to transmute the infinite love and light of the one Creator through their physical and metaphysical instrument and out into the Earth plane, creating a net of light that would alleviate and ameliorate the tectonic distress which the Earth is now experiencing. It is our opinion that this plan, though working imperfectly, has reached a critical mass sufficient to enable your planet to suffer many smaller catastrophes that allow the majority of those upon your planet to continue to enjoy the illusion.
Let us speak to some extent about this question of how fourth density comes to planet Earth. It is difficult to imagine something that one has never seen. The closest we can come to explaining fourth-density Earth versus third-density Earth to you is that each density is an illusion. These illusions are nested within the energy field of your planet. Therefore, the second-density Earth is visible to you, as is the first-density Earth, because it would not disturb you to see such as those densities. And, of course, you see your own density.
It would be very dislocating, my brother, for entities of third density to see the full panoply of fourth density as it intersperses with your own. Therefore, there shall not be the manifestation of fourth density until the third-density population of your planet has finished its work here.
It is very difficult for entities to imagine how such a large population, all across your globe, could just shrink and disappear. And yet we say to you that entities moving into incarnation here will more and more be those which are dual-activated until finally, within say one of your centuries by most probability/possibility vortices, you will have no pure third-density entities living upon your planet.
Quote:Those with dual-activated bodies are far more able to see whether or not there is the necessity for further incarnations upon this planet. They will begin naturally to refrain from producing children. And so, by a fairly rapid progression after that point, the third-density population of the planet will indeed shrink in a natural and organic way, because there is the awareness that the dusk has come, the evening is at hand, and the work is done.
*So, what does that mean in light of Ra's statement of 4th density bodies being created? Where will they come from if dual-activated bodies 'refrain from producing children'?
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. To be corrected is the concept of the creation of green-ray density bodily complexes. This creation will be gradual and will take place beginning with your third-density type of physical vehicle and, through the means of bisexual reproduction, become by evolutionary processes, the fourth-density body complexes.
Analyzed from another thread:
Dual 3rd and 4th Density Bodies Are a Clue As To the Harvest