11-10-2014, 06:46 PM
Hello there I do not post substantially here on the forums for I have a lot of self work to do upon myself to awaken to our reality. We are all at different levels of understanding, and awakening at this time for the frequency fence that keeps us enslaved remains intact and contributes to our blockages. This entity is also from the administrative cell block known vibrationally with the words "Canada." I do not consider myself Canadian, nor am I American, or an Earthling, for "I am" an entity from something greater then myself. I am an individual soul unit, part of God, and no one is going to impose upon me that "I am" a Canadian for this is an experience. If it is necessary to be born again "I could" incarnate into a body in another cell block, perhaps Russia.
I do recognize the right of any individual to rule upon me genetically, electively, by greed, or in any way what so ever for the people if so shall they chose shall remove men at will and so they shall step down and allow for another to represent them and through an elder system at a community level. For this entity the Ra material has served thee as a primary source to venture beyond this realm even if it forgets much of it for the necessary knowledge that is remains in the hidden locked three brain human mind. To say the least my observation has been "Canadian loyalty is a severe handicap that hinges its people into a perpetual state of mind controlled slavery in servitude to an entity controlled by the Orion Crusader. Those that fellow unquestionably this institution are doomed to repeat the cycle, and cannot achieve their freedom without the proper navigation to discern information that shall set them free."
Esoteric information is all but one of discovery, there is practicality to explore many truths that we still do not see, such as not seeing when events are false flags.
I do recognize the right of any individual to rule upon me genetically, electively, by greed, or in any way what so ever for the people if so shall they chose shall remove men at will and so they shall step down and allow for another to represent them and through an elder system at a community level. For this entity the Ra material has served thee as a primary source to venture beyond this realm even if it forgets much of it for the necessary knowledge that is remains in the hidden locked three brain human mind. To say the least my observation has been "Canadian loyalty is a severe handicap that hinges its people into a perpetual state of mind controlled slavery in servitude to an entity controlled by the Orion Crusader. Those that fellow unquestionably this institution are doomed to repeat the cycle, and cannot achieve their freedom without the proper navigation to discern information that shall set them free."
Esoteric information is all but one of discovery, there is practicality to explore many truths that we still do not see, such as not seeing when events are false flags.