I used to simply sit and focus on the breath and counting numbers (start with one, count one number on each exhale up to 10, then back to 1, as I had been taught by Ch'an monks). When a thought or a sensation arises, simply notice it and return your focus to the breath and number. The goal being not to try to somehow attain mental silence, but simply to keep doing this.
At one point I was given the guidance that I should be focusing on the Creator instead - best advice ever. Once I realized that our relationship with God is one of love, I started thinking of him as "dad" rather than "father" (later I learned that Jesus used the Aramaic equivalent of "dad" to refer to God). Even though I didn't feel lovable (still don't) I decided to trust that God somehow loves me anyway, and I don't need to feel unworthy of reaching out to him. I began to trust in that while meditating, and reaching toward God with love and longing. It was very effective. I think perhaps the reason it's effective is that by reaching towards him with love, we are activating both our heart and third eye chakras in a synergistic fashion. I am grateful for the relationship with God this practice has enabled me to develop.
More recently I've been guided to see all the evolving beings across the entire Universe, from the beginning of time until the end [since all of that happens in the Now anyway]; to see them as myself; and to radiate love from the heart toward these other parts of self. This exercise seems to work on the crown chakra, based on the strong sensations I feel there when I do this.
The first time I tried this, I began to envision love propagating through the network of beings until it reached the farthest reaches of the Universe, but was quickly told, "there is no network - all is One, there is no separation", i.e., the love could be radiated to the entire universe instantaneously because all separation is illusory. That really helped to drive home for me the unity of all.
Back when I didn't see meditation as a priority, my Higher Self told me, "when you meditate, you think you are just sitting, but you are actually walking the path to the Creator."
At one point I was given the guidance that I should be focusing on the Creator instead - best advice ever. Once I realized that our relationship with God is one of love, I started thinking of him as "dad" rather than "father" (later I learned that Jesus used the Aramaic equivalent of "dad" to refer to God). Even though I didn't feel lovable (still don't) I decided to trust that God somehow loves me anyway, and I don't need to feel unworthy of reaching out to him. I began to trust in that while meditating, and reaching toward God with love and longing. It was very effective. I think perhaps the reason it's effective is that by reaching towards him with love, we are activating both our heart and third eye chakras in a synergistic fashion. I am grateful for the relationship with God this practice has enabled me to develop.
More recently I've been guided to see all the evolving beings across the entire Universe, from the beginning of time until the end [since all of that happens in the Now anyway]; to see them as myself; and to radiate love from the heart toward these other parts of self. This exercise seems to work on the crown chakra, based on the strong sensations I feel there when I do this.
The first time I tried this, I began to envision love propagating through the network of beings until it reached the farthest reaches of the Universe, but was quickly told, "there is no network - all is One, there is no separation", i.e., the love could be radiated to the entire universe instantaneously because all separation is illusory. That really helped to drive home for me the unity of all.
Back when I didn't see meditation as a priority, my Higher Self told me, "when you meditate, you think you are just sitting, but you are actually walking the path to the Creator."