11-05-2014, 12:44 PM
Awesome!! Dreams where we have spiritual experiences are indeed a gift, it may be difficult to put into words but the feelings are there and true.
"SelAware" may be a pun on "self-aware", I'm sure the word as it was placed in your dream has significance to you, more than just meaning "self-aware". Maybe it's a name, maybe it is a concept similar to being self-aware. Of course, what does being self-aware even mean?
Good luck finding out!
"SelAware" may be a pun on "self-aware", I'm sure the word as it was placed in your dream has significance to you, more than just meaning "self-aware". Maybe it's a name, maybe it is a concept similar to being self-aware. Of course, what does being self-aware even mean?
Good luck finding out!