07-13-2010, 09:11 PM
(07-13-2010, 06:35 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: 89.44 "When the archetype is translated without regard for magical propriety into the manifested daily actions of an individual the greatest distortions may take place and great infringement upon the free will of others is possible." This is referring to third-density individuals.
it is easier to analyze now. and there are good results and bad results, as far as i can see.
this seems not related directly to third density individuals in that, apparently it is a warning for the adept, in regard to infringement.
it apparently requires understanding of the archetypical mind, the will (and its power) of the magician aspect, and a conscious reflection of the archetypical mind's aspects to daily actions.
male and female aspects of the archetypical mind of this logos, apparently are two entries to archetypical mind.
'into the manifested daily actions of an individual' is important. that means, this translation to actions can happen without any magical ritual, technique, or contraption present. daily actions.
i think these require extensive discussion in themselves. there is an ever-pending book 4 thread that is hopefully going to be attended someday, and i expect this is a discussion pertaining to that.
however, in regard to infringements ;
Quote:75.40 Questioner: You made the statement in a previous session that the true adept lives more and more as it is. Will you explain and expand more upon that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. Each entity is the Creator. The entity, as it becomes more and more conscious of its self, gradually comes to the turning point at which it determines to seek either in service to others or in service to self. The seeker becomes the adept when it has balanced with minimal adequacy the energy centers red, orange, yellow, and blue with the addition of the green for the positive, thus moving into indigo work.
thus, an adept is an entity which has had a minimal balance and adequacy of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and into the indigo work.
so i conclude that, for any infringement to be feasible, the entity should have minimum balance in that, it should be able to do indigo work. (which also includes calling the magical personality Ra describes as higher self, ie then it means anything magical will be related to higher chakra work).
now at that point, an entity which has opened enough such chakras in balance, would already have noticeable contact, communication, even if in a subconscious level with its unmanifested sources; higher self, guides, aides, any other entities or principles aiding it and so on. therefore while being able to do that kind of indigo work, manifestation, the entity would already be in contact with sources it can draw support from in regard to delicacies and wisdom of the actions. ie, basically, s/he should be already 'feeling' the correct course of action, and the wrong. in that regard i dont think there is much to fear from that.
on the other hand, a sufficiently balanced, and high energy keeping individual through either means (meditation or anything) would already be able to reflect not only any archetypes, but many other things in its daily actions, and even with its very being. than that also makes it an infringement to go about in high energy/vibration and concentration, and conducting grocery shopping about.
maybe we should all retreat to mountain caves if we want to do such work ...
in any case this is a delicate discussion and apparently long.
Quote:68.12 "To take an entity before it is ready and offer it the scepter of magical power is to infringe in an unbalanced manner." Third density adepts could do this; it's the reason why mystery schools take great care not to give initiates more powerful tools than they are ready for.
in this bit you omitted the question and the last sentence of the answer :
Quote:It would seem to me that since I can’t imagine anything worse than this particular result it would be very advisable to seek the magical training and defense for this situation. Could Ra and would Ra instruct us in this type of magical defense?
We may suggest with some asperity that the instrument never call upon Ra in any way while unprotected by the configuration which is at this time present.
therefore, this is a situation of potential infringement related to Ra.
73.14 "Infringement upon free will occurs in this circumstance only if the entity doing the working ascribes the authorship of this event to its self or its own skills." In other words, had Jesus, say, claimed authorship over his miracles he would have been infringing on free will.[/quote]
this bit's question describes itself :
Quote:73.14 Questioner: An observation of the working itself by another entity would seem to me to partially abridge free will in that a seemingly magical occurrence had taken place as the result of the working of an adept. This could be extended to any phenomenon which is other than normal or acceptable. Could you speak on this paradox that is immediately the problem of anyone doing healing?
its not something that should bother those on the positive path, it seems, because those adepts on the positive path, (unless extremely naive) wouldnt be as naive as to attribute result of a magical work to its own skills, for as to the definition of adept, it requires a sufficient blue ray balance and manifestation, which in itself carries a strong vying for finding and also communicating truth.
for the negatives, well, i dont think they would mind the infringement.
for those trying to do magic without having sufficient balance and strength in open chakras up to 6th, well, any magical manifestation is unlikely to occur in the first place. (any unbalanced, unopened 3d entity).