10-31-2014, 07:41 PM
(10-31-2014, 07:20 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Hello Dear Gemini Wolf,
(10-24-2014, 10:58 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: For those of us who can't talk with our spirit guides, are they supposed to make our life easier? Or do they force us to face our lessons we're supposed to learn?
According to my current understanding, such phenomenon as "Spiritual Guide" may be of Benefit to a Being, or may be damaging, if misused.
Proper use
At the very base of such concept as "Spiritual Guide", You are agreeing on - and Open Self for - Symbolical Information. Since We simply cannot understand directly Our non-material part of Self, only through Symbols and Our subjective interpretations of them We are able to take/have a Glimpse of Our "Larger/Bigger-Self" - but not "Whole-Self" - that We are unable to comprehend in Our category of three-dimensional thinking/understanding.
Consequently We are opening Our-Selves on multi-meaning of one and very same thing/event (both inner and outer). And in its core, physical reality is very rich Symbol of non-material sphere of Beingness. In other Words non-material, multidimensional aspect of Existence is Expressed in/within/through the physical reality - since it's three-dimensional, it can only express some aspect of Whole-Self.
When One is projecting "Creativity" / "Power" on an outer phenomenon - such as "Spirit Guide" for example. It is You, who is Creating and placing meaning. When You are projecting - and by that placing it outside of Self - your Creativity / Power on any outer phenomenon, You are agreeing on dependency and in certain moments (crisis, doubt, etc.), feeling of hopelessness.
By "delegating" Your own Power/Creativity beyond Self, You are impede Self.
I think that "Spiritual Guide" is a way of communicating with "Whole-er Self" beyond Our conscious perception of Self, as We know/understand "It". And it is possible only with use of Symbols. Our own, honest interpretations have actual value. To not discard your thoughts, only because they seems weird/silly/abstract to You. They are valid and they have an influence on You and your Life/Experience/Perception.
Hello Unbound,
(10-30-2014, 08:55 PM)Unbound Wrote: Often the thoughts we hear are indeed coming from our own subconscious, and unconscious awareness, but we are made of other-selves. YOUR voice is the one that YOU, INTENTIONALLY, speak with in your own mind. All other voices are voices of the "other".
That is from the perspective of yourself as an individuated being. From the perspective of the Infinity, all voices are One.
You always have a voice, even if you don't recognize or see a self.
Bolded part:
How do You understand thit statement? From what You wrote on this forum, You are indeed many Beings. But You wrote in this quote "We". Please expand on that, if You can.
Bolded and colored part:
As there is quite large part of Self, that is unconscious to Us, We cannot trace all thoughts to it's Source - that is Self. But learning to trace your own thoughts and not to attached feelings/judgments to it (same for Feelings, but here to trace them without Judgement or resentment/fear) is a very base of inner work and Self Exploration.
I am wondering if your own nature, Dear Unbound, makes You use such radical approach in regards to your own thoughts? Such thought-filtration must be exhausting.
By "we" I mean people in general, not myself in terms of many parallel identities.