(10-30-2014, 11:35 PM)Folk-love Wrote: I always thought it was the exact opposite. I thought so called negative catalyst would have little effect on you if you were vibrating at a fast rate. How great is the vibratory difference between a 3d human and say a 4d entity?
Well, going back to the airplane analogy, as you approach those faster speeds, you are normally in a space far removed from such human level of negativity, or resistance, but if you get close enough to the negativity, for whatever reason, it will hit you much harder. Hitting a tree at 10 mph, and hitting a tree at 50 mph are a very different scenarios. Faster energy makes what little resistance there is more problematic. The energy has to be more pure, and free flowing, to accommodate the faster moving vibration.
So in a sense you are right, in that the more you stay up to speed with your higher vibration, the less negative catalyst you will experience (since thoughts are what create your experience), but your whole perception of positive/negative is a relative sliding scale, so what were once only mildly negative ranges are now really negative for you.
Like if you were vibrating in depression all the time, anger would actually feel somewhat positive to you, because there is some measure of power in anger that is not present in depression. If you were vibrating in joy all the time, anger would feel absolutely horrendous to you by comparison. It all becomes relative. The faster your energy becomes, the more powerful your thoughts become, and you don't have as much leeway to think "sloppily".
This is also why wanderers often have a such a hard time on earth. Even though they become completely the creature of 3rd density, the overlays of subconscious memories of higher density harmony creates a situation where the catalyst of yellow ray is like jumping into a pool of ice cold water. They tend to not handle the catalyst of this density better than a normal 3rd density incarnate would, hence Ra talking about the mental and physical disabilities wanderers often face, such as personality disorders and what not.
I don't think I would be able to accurately characterize or quantify the vibratory difference between a 4D entity and a 3D entity, but it is large enough to entail a complete shift in perspective of reality, so it is quite a substantial vibratory distance between the two.