10-19-2014, 08:43 AM
i spent quite a while yesterday clicking on the 'random' link on reddit. i was presented with reddit.com/r/zen ... spent quite a bit of time there...saw this quote & thought about sharing it:
Zen is really extraordinarily simple as long as one doesn't try to be cute about it or beat around the bush! Zen is simply the sensation and the clear understanding that, to put it in Zen terms, there are "ten thousand formations; one suchness." Or you might say, "The ten thousand things that are everything are of one suchness." That is to say that there is behind the multiplicity of events and creatures in this universe simply one energy — and it appears as you, and everything is it. The practice of Zen is to understand that one energy so as to "feel it in your bones" (Alan Watts, What is Zen? p. 21).
i spent quite a while yesterday clicking on the 'random' link on reddit. i was presented with reddit.com/r/zen ... spent quite a bit of time there...saw this quote & thought about sharing it:
Zen is really extraordinarily simple as long as one doesn't try to be cute about it or beat around the bush! Zen is simply the sensation and the clear understanding that, to put it in Zen terms, there are "ten thousand formations; one suchness." Or you might say, "The ten thousand things that are everything are of one suchness." That is to say that there is behind the multiplicity of events and creatures in this universe simply one energy — and it appears as you, and everything is it. The practice of Zen is to understand that one energy so as to "feel it in your bones" (Alan Watts, What is Zen? p. 21).