(10-01-2014, 01:41 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: hi Rhu!
unfortunately, the closest that I've been to where you are, is flying through LAX (or rather passing through LAX, on the way to Louisville) about a month ago
(10-01-2014, 12:50 AM)Rhu Wrote: I've been getting strong and clear messages during my meditations that starting a study group for the Law of One, and also starting a meditation group with the hopes of eventually doing channeling work, are part of my mission here on Earth.
I hope you can find your group
Open that emergency hatch next time and sky dive down. Seems reasonable enough...and thank you! I'm excited to start the group.
(10-02-2014, 10:24 AM)Guardian Wrote: Did the yoga fix your back? I am currently experiencing sudden intense lower back pain for the past week.
The yoga has certainly helped immensely. Regular Kundalini yoga has changed my life in every way. From a young age I could never even touch my toes. Within 4 or 5 months I was able to do that daily and began to realize just how tight I was in every area of my body. It's been a slow and steady process for me, but I continue to become more flexible and open up. It can help everybody.
More than the physical side it's just provided a real sense of peace and calm in mind, body and spirit. It was very interesting to reach the portions of the Ra Material where they discuss blocking/unblocking the chakras, as I was already doing that work and the Ra Material just confirms everything taught in Kundalini ideology.
There are several forms of yoga, of course. Kundalini is much more meditative and spiritual than any other I've come across. Hatha yoga is more geared towards for strength building, balance and flexibility. Vinyasa yoga is another fitness based style.
Best of luck on alleviating your back pain.