03-08-2009, 02:55 AM
Greetings beloved Alkhemist and All here as One. I come as One with intent to serve all in the highest vibrations of love and light I can radiate in service to the divine will of the Father/Mother Creator.
Nice thread topic and an interesting idea/inspiration. I recently had a somewhat similar one It appears you already getting great feedback and suggestions/counsel from this wonderful group. I associate my perceptions with many already shared by others. The one post suggesting other areas of study/topics I would leave to independent study and not include or have a part of your idea/inspiration.
In general though I feel it’s a wonderful and valuable inspiration. The challenges for you are many, but can all be summarized perhaps by this: You’ve been given an inspiration from Oneness/Infinite Intelligence. As you go forth with implementation distortions will arise to the degree that you use your lower-self mind/mental faculties to do it and to the extent that you rely on historical models and terminology. More simply put, the further from Unified Awareness down you go to 3D reality the more it will be distorted and perhaps not “serve” the original clear intentions or inspirations. If you kept this paragraph ever-present in your mental body in the now in all endeavors about it I believe it would serve you well.
NOTE: All suggestions below are just that…do as you will, it’s all about your intent and choices my friend I’m not going to mince/choose words precisely for expedience sake, but feel my acceptance and love behind them and pardon any “preachy/pushy” inferences due to my word choices.
More specifically, some pragmatic suggestions and ideas occurring to me (some overlap and may be repetitive):
1) I liked and resonated with the person that posted basically, “don’t use Ra’s name”. This avoids from the get-go all the issues everyone brought up about that. Remove the temptations related to that which will surely follow for many, or deal with the consequences from inception onward...ugg The name that popped into my mind: “The School of One”
2) Remember the KISS principle and apply it. You don’t have years. It is “needed” now. You can have this whole thing done in 3 weeks if you don’t get distracted, convoluted, and go into distortions. Example follows next, and was more akin to my idea/inspiration. Get very clear on your INTENT and PURPOSE FIRST! Better yet, get a unified/group intent and purpose (explained more below)
3) Nearly every fair sized town/city has Course in Miracles “Study Groups”…what a marvelous model you can use. Think less formal, less physical, less structured, less churchy, less structured, and less hierarchy and I think you’ll avoid the pitfalls of convolutions and distortions. I was going to (and likely will) start a local Law of One Study group and start with getting everyone a copy and getting them to do “homework” and read it, then having semi-formal meetings at someone’s house each week or at a coffee shop or bookstore, etc. If/when it grows you expand from there. All “costs” are eliminated and it can be a completely FREE and non organized “legal” entity. The initiator/organizer or teacher/learner could collect donations for printing of books for those without computers or other small things. Keep money out of it unless and until it became so big that there was big need to have people able to “work” for the group full time, but other than that I can’t see a need/purpose that would be a clear/resonant one. Think about it being a loose association of like-minded lightworkers getting together, with a core “workbook”, focused on Law of One (and hopefully on how to apply/live it practically), supporting each other in doing so, but having a “Guiding Document” to base the group and work on (mentioned below). – That last sentence may be a good starting point for the purpose/intent/mission statement right there
4) Another idea/example. You already have a wonderful and incredible structure in-place to implement it…Bring4th.org!!!! - This is a natural ground zero and “home” for it’s base. Given those “in charge” of it agree and concur with concept and planned implementation. For example, once it’s structure, mission statement, intent, and guidelines/practices are ironed out (Guiding Document), they can place it on the forum as a major area just as the “Strictly Law of One, Guidelines, Areas in Focus are…just add another for the “School of One”. Then under that you can have the Guiding Document as the first thread with no posting allowed. Under that you can have discussion about people forming their “local chapters”, national or regional events/gatherings where local chapters all come together, experiences and feedback, areas for improving or altering the Guiding Document, ideas people came up with in their local chapters, problems/issues, etc. I’d strongly advise against taking it to a yahoo group. I for one have no desire to split my attention away from bring4th.org and visit another group, forum, etc. This for me would be distraction, and may also be a fragmenting for others as well. All is One here…keep it here…IMO where it belongs, unless of course those in charge here just don’t “go for” the idea or agree on implementation. Again, if it’s a group collaborative effort though, I don’t see why they wouldn’t, as all would come to a high level of resonance and agreement by being involved in the process and coming to agreement BEFORE it’s begun/implemented.
5) Don’t try to do it too much “on your own”. We are One. Instead, draw upon and keep using this forum and this wonderful group/collective of Oneness here on bring4th to get tons of input, suggestions, and therefore it will be a collaboration that All as One make and feel good about and want to join/utilize. What a wonderful demonstration of the very nature of Law of One, of unity, of all serving together in making this thing don’t you think? This will greatly reduce distortions, convolutions, and keep you and all others “in-check” where mind/lower self may stray off course a bit. Unify, balance, and create agreement and resonance…that serves well.
6) Stay away for all historical models and terms as much as possible. Go beyond them and do something new. Stay away from “priesthood, church, religion, yada yada…better to use very few or just avoid them. I do see some value in some “levels” of the local group in practice, but not about “titles” for people so much. For example, I sometimes attend a local Unity Center of Light church, but it kinda has a limitation about it that is as follows: they’ve basically been saying the same thing over and over for 15 years. They always have new members and so can’t really assume a solid basis for those in attendance in order to “take it to the next level”. They kinda keep teaching the same class or basics over and over. In school you have grades and classes. You have pre-requisites. “School” is a great model for this inspiration, better than “church” I think. So, once you have enough people and long enough running local group, you can break meetings into two for a “newcomers/freshman learning and studying the Law of One book and basics 101” and “sophomores learning to apply it more to daily life and explore more in-depth awarenesses 102” You can have a monthly pot-luck for all to share/meet, etc. Eventually you can get to a “Juniors – Accesing the gateway to infinity support and discussion group” and perhaps a “Seniors – Adepts visions of service and supporting the School as teach/learners”. Use Teach/Learners as title for these upper levels or the organizer to stay true to how that really is…as opposed to hierarchy crud like priest, preacher, minister, professor, leader (authority), etc. In fact, “Group Organizer” is a fine term/title that doesn’t have polarity or much loaded associations with it. It’s a statement of fact about it just being the person who started it. All this you see is staying true to the core of Law of One and that we are all one and so no one is “better” or “superior”, etc.
7) So, my “big picture” vision/suggestion would be in a sentence (albeit a long one): Use the group here to create a unified resonant vision, intent, and guiding document by using this very thread to exchange ideas and iron it out until it’s in a format to have the people here (Steve et al) create a section in the forum to implement it and perhaps look at a model as bring4th.org being the cyberspace national headquarters and feedback/communication hub, letting all/any form local “chapters/groups” by drawing upon the Guiding Document to provide consistency, direction, and cohesion and then just let the thing begin, take off, expand, and radiate out similar to the model of the internet itself in greatest simplicity and least resemblance to other past structures or organizations as humanly possible.
You know, I’m resonating so well with the above feedback, and since I already had this vision idea…if you as Co-creator choose not to go this direction (as my other-self), I as very same Co-creator likely will as “myself” But, if you do you have my support and active participation in the process.
OK, that’s what I can offer without much in-depth contemplation or going “within” about it more than as just flows…no doubt I’ll be on the other side of the gateway tonight to get it all much more clearly and have great insight on the morrow about it…at least that’s how it’s been every other time I posted on this forum Seems to stimulate and take me places in awareness so I can “really” get it…I wonderful demonstration of teaching/learning I guess - May your inspirations from Infinite Intelligence flow un-filtered and undistorted into your mental body and your implementations be as clear and pure as the divine inspirations themselves - AwakenedOneness
Nice thread topic and an interesting idea/inspiration. I recently had a somewhat similar one It appears you already getting great feedback and suggestions/counsel from this wonderful group. I associate my perceptions with many already shared by others. The one post suggesting other areas of study/topics I would leave to independent study and not include or have a part of your idea/inspiration.
In general though I feel it’s a wonderful and valuable inspiration. The challenges for you are many, but can all be summarized perhaps by this: You’ve been given an inspiration from Oneness/Infinite Intelligence. As you go forth with implementation distortions will arise to the degree that you use your lower-self mind/mental faculties to do it and to the extent that you rely on historical models and terminology. More simply put, the further from Unified Awareness down you go to 3D reality the more it will be distorted and perhaps not “serve” the original clear intentions or inspirations. If you kept this paragraph ever-present in your mental body in the now in all endeavors about it I believe it would serve you well.
NOTE: All suggestions below are just that…do as you will, it’s all about your intent and choices my friend I’m not going to mince/choose words precisely for expedience sake, but feel my acceptance and love behind them and pardon any “preachy/pushy” inferences due to my word choices.
More specifically, some pragmatic suggestions and ideas occurring to me (some overlap and may be repetitive):
1) I liked and resonated with the person that posted basically, “don’t use Ra’s name”. This avoids from the get-go all the issues everyone brought up about that. Remove the temptations related to that which will surely follow for many, or deal with the consequences from inception onward...ugg The name that popped into my mind: “The School of One”
2) Remember the KISS principle and apply it. You don’t have years. It is “needed” now. You can have this whole thing done in 3 weeks if you don’t get distracted, convoluted, and go into distortions. Example follows next, and was more akin to my idea/inspiration. Get very clear on your INTENT and PURPOSE FIRST! Better yet, get a unified/group intent and purpose (explained more below)
3) Nearly every fair sized town/city has Course in Miracles “Study Groups”…what a marvelous model you can use. Think less formal, less physical, less structured, less churchy, less structured, and less hierarchy and I think you’ll avoid the pitfalls of convolutions and distortions. I was going to (and likely will) start a local Law of One Study group and start with getting everyone a copy and getting them to do “homework” and read it, then having semi-formal meetings at someone’s house each week or at a coffee shop or bookstore, etc. If/when it grows you expand from there. All “costs” are eliminated and it can be a completely FREE and non organized “legal” entity. The initiator/organizer or teacher/learner could collect donations for printing of books for those without computers or other small things. Keep money out of it unless and until it became so big that there was big need to have people able to “work” for the group full time, but other than that I can’t see a need/purpose that would be a clear/resonant one. Think about it being a loose association of like-minded lightworkers getting together, with a core “workbook”, focused on Law of One (and hopefully on how to apply/live it practically), supporting each other in doing so, but having a “Guiding Document” to base the group and work on (mentioned below). – That last sentence may be a good starting point for the purpose/intent/mission statement right there
4) Another idea/example. You already have a wonderful and incredible structure in-place to implement it…Bring4th.org!!!! - This is a natural ground zero and “home” for it’s base. Given those “in charge” of it agree and concur with concept and planned implementation. For example, once it’s structure, mission statement, intent, and guidelines/practices are ironed out (Guiding Document), they can place it on the forum as a major area just as the “Strictly Law of One, Guidelines, Areas in Focus are…just add another for the “School of One”. Then under that you can have the Guiding Document as the first thread with no posting allowed. Under that you can have discussion about people forming their “local chapters”, national or regional events/gatherings where local chapters all come together, experiences and feedback, areas for improving or altering the Guiding Document, ideas people came up with in their local chapters, problems/issues, etc. I’d strongly advise against taking it to a yahoo group. I for one have no desire to split my attention away from bring4th.org and visit another group, forum, etc. This for me would be distraction, and may also be a fragmenting for others as well. All is One here…keep it here…IMO where it belongs, unless of course those in charge here just don’t “go for” the idea or agree on implementation. Again, if it’s a group collaborative effort though, I don’t see why they wouldn’t, as all would come to a high level of resonance and agreement by being involved in the process and coming to agreement BEFORE it’s begun/implemented.
5) Don’t try to do it too much “on your own”. We are One. Instead, draw upon and keep using this forum and this wonderful group/collective of Oneness here on bring4th to get tons of input, suggestions, and therefore it will be a collaboration that All as One make and feel good about and want to join/utilize. What a wonderful demonstration of the very nature of Law of One, of unity, of all serving together in making this thing don’t you think? This will greatly reduce distortions, convolutions, and keep you and all others “in-check” where mind/lower self may stray off course a bit. Unify, balance, and create agreement and resonance…that serves well.
6) Stay away for all historical models and terms as much as possible. Go beyond them and do something new. Stay away from “priesthood, church, religion, yada yada…better to use very few or just avoid them. I do see some value in some “levels” of the local group in practice, but not about “titles” for people so much. For example, I sometimes attend a local Unity Center of Light church, but it kinda has a limitation about it that is as follows: they’ve basically been saying the same thing over and over for 15 years. They always have new members and so can’t really assume a solid basis for those in attendance in order to “take it to the next level”. They kinda keep teaching the same class or basics over and over. In school you have grades and classes. You have pre-requisites. “School” is a great model for this inspiration, better than “church” I think. So, once you have enough people and long enough running local group, you can break meetings into two for a “newcomers/freshman learning and studying the Law of One book and basics 101” and “sophomores learning to apply it more to daily life and explore more in-depth awarenesses 102” You can have a monthly pot-luck for all to share/meet, etc. Eventually you can get to a “Juniors – Accesing the gateway to infinity support and discussion group” and perhaps a “Seniors – Adepts visions of service and supporting the School as teach/learners”. Use Teach/Learners as title for these upper levels or the organizer to stay true to how that really is…as opposed to hierarchy crud like priest, preacher, minister, professor, leader (authority), etc. In fact, “Group Organizer” is a fine term/title that doesn’t have polarity or much loaded associations with it. It’s a statement of fact about it just being the person who started it. All this you see is staying true to the core of Law of One and that we are all one and so no one is “better” or “superior”, etc.
7) So, my “big picture” vision/suggestion would be in a sentence (albeit a long one): Use the group here to create a unified resonant vision, intent, and guiding document by using this very thread to exchange ideas and iron it out until it’s in a format to have the people here (Steve et al) create a section in the forum to implement it and perhaps look at a model as bring4th.org being the cyberspace national headquarters and feedback/communication hub, letting all/any form local “chapters/groups” by drawing upon the Guiding Document to provide consistency, direction, and cohesion and then just let the thing begin, take off, expand, and radiate out similar to the model of the internet itself in greatest simplicity and least resemblance to other past structures or organizations as humanly possible.
You know, I’m resonating so well with the above feedback, and since I already had this vision idea…if you as Co-creator choose not to go this direction (as my other-self), I as very same Co-creator likely will as “myself” But, if you do you have my support and active participation in the process.
OK, that’s what I can offer without much in-depth contemplation or going “within” about it more than as just flows…no doubt I’ll be on the other side of the gateway tonight to get it all much more clearly and have great insight on the morrow about it…at least that’s how it’s been every other time I posted on this forum Seems to stimulate and take me places in awareness so I can “really” get it…I wonderful demonstration of teaching/learning I guess - May your inspirations from Infinite Intelligence flow un-filtered and undistorted into your mental body and your implementations be as clear and pure as the divine inspirations themselves - AwakenedOneness