07-07-2010, 01:01 PM
Hi guys,
Cool thread!
OK, first of all I am firmly in the camp that the Great Pyramid was not built by human hands alone, and Ra's explanations seem far more plausible to me than the traditional explanations.
Not only that, I had the great fortune last summer to go inside the Great Pyramid and into the King's Chamber. I cannot tell you what an incredible experience that was -- despite the probably quite true assertion by Ra that it is like a piano out of tune, the energy there was incredibly strong and palpable. I felt the spiritual vibrations there stronger than at any other place I have ever been on this planet (including in the very center of Stonehenge, which I would rank a distant second in terms of how being there made me feel.) I passed about 5 people on my way there and everyone was clearly deeply affected. Oddly enough, the energy and atmosphere there seemed to provoke utter terror in a few people that I passed on my way in, though others like myself were energized and only mildly apprehensive. There is simply no way anyone could ever convince me that that structure is not of supernatural (in conventional terms) origin and purpose.
That said, something occurred to me that I find troubling. I don't want to throw a wrench in the gears (spanner in the works for my UK brethren
..... but consider this quote:
When I read this, I take it to mean that ONLY the Great Pyramid was built with everlasting rock. If we analyze the sentence construction carefully, one could argue that technically the wording doesn't preclude that all 3 of the Giza pyramids were built with everlasting rock, but it really feels to me like Ra is saying here that the Great Pyramid is UNIQUE in that it was made with everlasting rock.
Why this troubles me is in regards to Namaste's article. That article refers to the rock from the pyramidS (plural!) having these unnatural qualities. That would indicate that all 3 (or at least two of the 3) were made with everlasting rock.
What do you guys think about this? I wonder if perhaps they were only examining blocks from the Great Pyramid but had no reason to assume that the blocks would be different in the other two? That's just wild speculation of course, but it would be nice if that point could be clarified.
I would find it VERY interesting indeed in the light of the Ra material if that "unnatural" composition were not found in the other two.
Love to all
Cool thread!
OK, first of all I am firmly in the camp that the Great Pyramid was not built by human hands alone, and Ra's explanations seem far more plausible to me than the traditional explanations.
Not only that, I had the great fortune last summer to go inside the Great Pyramid and into the King's Chamber. I cannot tell you what an incredible experience that was -- despite the probably quite true assertion by Ra that it is like a piano out of tune, the energy there was incredibly strong and palpable. I felt the spiritual vibrations there stronger than at any other place I have ever been on this planet (including in the very center of Stonehenge, which I would rank a distant second in terms of how being there made me feel.) I passed about 5 people on my way there and everyone was clearly deeply affected. Oddly enough, the energy and atmosphere there seemed to provoke utter terror in a few people that I passed on my way in, though others like myself were energized and only mildly apprehensive. There is simply no way anyone could ever convince me that that structure is not of supernatural (in conventional terms) origin and purpose.
That said, something occurred to me that I find troubling. I don't want to throw a wrench in the gears (spanner in the works for my UK brethren

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. We built with everlasting rock the Great Pyramid, as you call it. Other of the pyramids were built with stone moved from one place to another.
When I read this, I take it to mean that ONLY the Great Pyramid was built with everlasting rock. If we analyze the sentence construction carefully, one could argue that technically the wording doesn't preclude that all 3 of the Giza pyramids were built with everlasting rock, but it really feels to me like Ra is saying here that the Great Pyramid is UNIQUE in that it was made with everlasting rock.
Why this troubles me is in regards to Namaste's article. That article refers to the rock from the pyramidS (plural!) having these unnatural qualities. That would indicate that all 3 (or at least two of the 3) were made with everlasting rock.
What do you guys think about this? I wonder if perhaps they were only examining blocks from the Great Pyramid but had no reason to assume that the blocks would be different in the other two? That's just wild speculation of course, but it would be nice if that point could be clarified.
I would find it VERY interesting indeed in the light of the Ra material if that "unnatural" composition were not found in the other two.
Love to all