08-19-2014, 01:07 PM
(07-27-2014, 10:27 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: so, I'm back on Facebook after deleting it a year ago.
Hit me up if you wanna become FB buddies. I use it primarily to Messenger people and spread the plenum love, so be warned if you receive strange messages at strange hours of the day
u deleted it a year ago? but u just made it nearly a year ago according to post #48 in this thread...
so u only lasted about 2 months the 1st time? haha
(05-17-2013, 12:59 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: anyway, so I finally got around to this 'facebook' thingy. Apparently its somewhat a popular website? like its more popular than bring4th even!
so, I guess I'll be sending out friend invites in chat or what-not, or you can be pro-active and hussle me instead.
I used a social network years ago called zaadz, and the mechanics seem the same, but I'm a bit rusty, so forgive me if I try to dislike all your photos of cats and the like. (I will invent a dislike button for FB. It will make me rich).
so anyway, I already 'liked' the LLResearch fanpage; hopefully that earns me some good points with Ms Ankh (or Mrs Aaron these days??)
anyway, this is big news!
the plenum has arrived on FB!!!
peace all