(08-15-2014, 11:30 AM)Icaro Wrote: What does it mean to serve others is the big question of the Ra material, and they left it for us to figure out because speaking upon the indigo ray (where we balance love and wisdom..others and self) is infringement. There are many hints, and to serve others certainly means to love and accept yourself.
Service to others is simply to do all things with love for all others.
The big difference between STO and STS is in the heart chakra. In STS it is completely shut off. On the other hand, the more one polarizes towards STO, the brighter one's heart chakra becomes, and from what I understand there is no limit to how open it can be.
Any action done with love for all others is service to others. This includes thoughts of love and caring about others; just as negative thoughts about others serve to harm their target and diminish one's STO polarity, so do loving and caring thoughts accomplish the opposite.
This also implies that doing things for others while harboring any resentment toward them or toward the work one is doing produces, at best, neutral actions.
If one attempts to help someone by harming or resenting another (i.e., "the enemy of my friend is my enemy"), these actions aren't even neutral but negative. Socrates, Jesus, Buddha all spoke about the need to love, not hate, or improve one's enemies. Love everyone as the Creator behind the personality mask, and wish them the best on their journey.
Of all the things that Ra said, I think the meaning of service to others is the most direct and clear, and in perfect alignment with the other great teachings, e.g., those of Jesus, the Buddha, and the people who shone the most brightly in their compassion such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Quo also keeps trying to emphasize the same message over and over: they said that the purpose of 3rd density is to polarize, and the only thing they talk about is love, love, love. Coincidence?
"Have you loved today?"