08-15-2014, 11:30 AM
You left a good response Greg. I stopped reading with intrigue when he suggests that service to others is somehow devoid of spending time on yourself. Ra doesn't suggest this anywhere. What does it mean to serve others is the big question of the Ra material, and they left it for us to figure out because speaking upon the indigo ray (where we balance love and wisdom..others and self) is infringement. There are many hints, and to serve others certainly means to love and accept yourself.
"The new material is this: once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray."
"The new material is this: once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray."