(08-10-2014, 06:41 PM)anagogy Wrote: That is exactly how the physical world is.
Everything you see that is physical is the expression of red ray energies which Ra has described as the energy of, "dissolution or random change." Or even, "chaos, energy undirected and random in its infinity".
However, that is just the physical level of vibration. Every level of vibration becomes more refined and harmonious.
What do you consider to be an example of "poor design"? Sometimes what we think is a poor design is not really a poor design, but only appears so do to limited perspective.
I often think about how cruel and indifferent nature seems. The way animals mercilessly kill each other and how they are constantly in survival mode. That is one of my big issues with the planet. Why must innocent creatures suffer so much on such a consistent level? Of course humans are responsible for much of the suffering animals endure, but most of it is just the way things are. I was reading the scientific literature on prayer and how it had no effect on healing whatsoever. That made me sad. Also the idea that 99.9 of species on earth are exctinct because they were unable to survive in their conditions. That makes me sad as well. As for unintelligent design, the throat is an example that I read about. The way in which the esophagus is right next to the breathing holes (this is not the case with most animals). Which is why people choke to death on food, as it goes down the wrong hole. It seems like such a stupid way to die, but I imagine it has happened many times. Is that part of the plan? Im mostly just venting. Im kinda tired of going off faith alone that all is well and that there is this love that permeates everything. Feeling quite hopeless as you can see. Peace out friends