07-03-2010, 05:13 PM
(07-03-2010, 05:08 AM)unity100 Wrote: remember that Ra noted there was no direct correlation in between various paranormal manifestations like bending spoons and frequency of the individual. they had said that these were dependent on the brain capability being open or something.
Hi Unity100,
Thank you for this. Could you indicate where in Ra did you read it?
It makes sense anyway since Ra said that bending spoons is the work of the indigo ray.
Specific chakras are linked to one another very much like musical notes in harmonic scales.
The indigo ray'activity works in harmony to the lower chakra (red, I think).
And, vibratory frequency is related to HEART, heart openess and activity. Positive Enlightenment is a heart gateway which energy comes from the above the head chakras (violet and white).
I recommand the positive path: Out of the meditation state, it feels like walking upon clouds of grace, dancing rather than walking, breathing in golden perfumes of delight in a state of grace and being inundated with sublime music, all coming from within, feeling your heart so full of love and joy that you feel it is going to explode, all being surrounded by extatic love, beauty and shining colors. It is an extatic inner experience which you carry around and only diminishes when you have, little by little to attend the daily chores, I mean when there are too many of them. YOu can get the feeling back whenever you like. You bring back from you meditation, the divine contact which is part of yourself and, it is up to you to keep present and alive. Also you have access to the Light and, from that moment, the true Lightwork starts such as Healing the Planet, healing others, healing oneself (yep, this too has to be done in order to continue the good work!), creating Peace and bringing harmony and beauty into this world and, feeling the connection with all life, etc. There is soo much good work to be done that it is a real pleasure just to do it!
... Just to give a taste!
Now, I see everyone as an enlightened being... It is only a matter of time to experience the state of enlightenment and, time is an illusion... therefore it is up to each one to accept being enlightened! In accepting it, the separating gap will narrow and, walls of resistance will simply fall down... That is, for the ones seeking enlightenment!
That's all folks!
Take care and be joyous!
PS: This posting is intended to those who accept it or part of it, in their heart. Ii is not intended to infringe upon anyone free will. Feel free to dismiss it if you feel like doing so.