(07-20-2014, 08:52 AM)JustLikeYou Wrote: In the very most basic terms, the male/female associations in the Tarot cards refer to the complex self: conscious/unconscious.
Can I offer conscious/subconscious as a refinement?
(07-20-2014, 08:52 AM)JustLikeYou Wrote: So the Matrix of the Mind depicts the conscious mind, but the Matrix of the Body depicts the unconscious body, whose maintenance processes are apparently automatic (digestion, breathing, circulation, etc.).
Another refinement? I think the Matrix of the Body depicts an intelligence of the body rather than an unconscious body. The card suggests to me that the automatic processes (autonomic nervous system) are actually regulated by an inner intelligence. We are not aware of this inner intelligence and the clue here is the blindfold. In Card 2, the deep subconscious is "veiled" but the veil can still be accessed (intuition, insight, dreams, etc.) by the active Mind (card 1). In the case of the Body Matrix, the blindfold is more substantial. We cannot "see/sense" this body intelligence at its work dilligently keeping the body on an even and balanced keel.
I believe there are four kinds of intelligence displayed in the four cards: Card 1 = conscious will. Card 2 = subconscious knowledge/intuition. Card 8 = subconscious body intelligence. Card 9 = Ego intelligence, or all the stuff that you learned in school and know right now (memory).