07-02-2010, 10:25 AM
The reason people try to help out behind other backs is that they know that someone’s pride is standing in the way of a loving gift. In a more perfect world, we should be able to lay aside our ego in times of need and appreciate gifts of love. Being human though, we attach conditions to things offerred. Being human, we also, unfortunately attach conditions when offerring gifts of love.
So we, invariably, dance around ego’s and feelings. Perhaps the question to self sould be…”Why do our other selves feel the need to secretly help?”….”What is standing in the way of an open gift?” The answer is usally in the mirror.
That said…I would put no conditions on re-payment. Just tell them that you were glad to help and that you think they’d do the same if the situtations were reversed. If they insist…and the money isn’t an issue?...donate it to their church or another charity.
So we, invariably, dance around ego’s and feelings. Perhaps the question to self sould be…”Why do our other selves feel the need to secretly help?”….”What is standing in the way of an open gift?” The answer is usally in the mirror.
That said…I would put no conditions on re-payment. Just tell them that you were glad to help and that you think they’d do the same if the situtations were reversed. If they insist…and the money isn’t an issue?...donate it to their church or another charity.