06-26-2010, 07:12 PM
(06-25-2010, 05:39 AM)zanny Wrote: This is great! Thank you for posting this...I had the greatest visualization after reading the article.
Amazing! We are definitely connecting... Would you care to share some of your visualization? Of course only if you wish to...
Quote:... But times they are a change'n! lol
Definitely so!
Quote:(06-24-2010, 04:11 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: We knew about the Moon portals, now we know more about the Solar ones!
Love, Light and more Light
I'm not sure I know about the moon portals other than speculation could you post some more info about that if you have it?
Anyhoo, thanks again for posting this- very enjoyable article.
I would need to do a Google search about the Moon portals to see what is new and/or available nowadays. Briefly, I have been aware about them for many many years. I came accross crucial info years ago and, from there, more info just came popping into my life bit by bit. I am aware that the Lunar knots are times of portals lasting several hours. A lunar knot is when the ecliptic crosses the plane of the circonvolution of the Moon around Earth; this occurs every two weeks, once as a 'ascending lunar knot' and, once as a 'descending lunar knot'. It is possible to identify those days from a 'moon calendar'. Of course, they are many other moon portals. Halloween is another one and so on.
This is useful information when you do 'Light work' as I do because as a precaution, it is better to avoid Light working during these since Ligt work is done from the inner plane - as Chanelling also is. Moon portals as you have probably guessed are used by 4D negative to cross over into 3D. The 4D negative have a strong tendency to mess up things for us down here in 3D. To understand their range of influence, there was a big lunar knot on the 30th May, at the time when the Aid Flotilla, the humanitarian aid ship which attempted to bring help to Gazza, came under assault. It is only one example; there are and have been numerous others upon our plane, throughout our human history and our personnal dramas and tragedies as 3D human beings unaware of the reality of planet's cycles and influence. I often wonder if Don would be still alive if he had known a way of identifying the time of those Moon portals.
Knowing when they happen is of great help, since it is enough to just be more alert - with the exception of Light work and maybe chanelling since those are done from the inner plane and in those case, it may not being enough to just be alert. One may need stronger light protection when venturing into those inner plane during those portals. My Higher Self always recommands me to avoid meditating during those portals since I go in deep inner state. In most cases, the 4D negative usually acts through people of lower frequency easily dominated by feelings of fear. You probably know that fear is the cause in most cases of people suddenly jumping at each other's throat!
However, no one needs to fear these knots, being alert is sufficient and, love is the remedy. Love is indeed a panacea!

So, this being said, it is good to be aware that there exist also Sun portals, to balance thing on the positive side!

Keep heart!
By the way, nice quote!
