07-11-2014, 09:07 PM
And for all you know, you could attract the love of your life. Why focus only on the negative?
My friend, relationships are about balance, they have ups and downs just like the rest of life. You are so focused on what you don't want and on what you want to avoid, how can you attract what you do want? Yes, there can be disagreements and impassioned feelings during relationships, but that doesn't mean it isn't a worthwhile experience, or that these disagreements aren't beneficial, just the same as in any other field of life. Yet, when you do find a relationship that works for you and the other person, there is no other experience like it.
Don't be afraid to try things out or to try people out. Maybe the first person you try will be right for you, but if they are not that doesn't mean give up, but rather define more what you are looking for.
I think you would be less frightened of humans if you spent more focus on what you do like about them rather than being intimidated by what you don't.
Maybe you will even find someone who also feels as strongly as you do about anthros and you can enjoy that concept more physically, or even astrally with the person.
Aha I don't know, I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything but to be honest I see an anthro-wolf whom expresses itself as your guide, and he says that the reason you became a human is to share the beauty of the philosophy of unconditional love and intimate love that the anthros have with humans. He said the reason you are dissatisfied with humans and being human is because you watched them before coming here and before incarnating. You incarnated to see why humans acted the way that they do and what it was like to be that way.
The guide also tells me that you are in shock over your human experience because it is so veiled compared to before and that is why you long for death, to be 'home' and to be with anthros again, your consciousness is in shock. However, he also says that you are avoiding the very work you came here to do by trying to avoid getting involved with the human drama and fully embracing the human experience. You are seeking understanding and that is only gained through direct experience. He says that if you left now, or if you did not realize your own humanness and thus gain understanding of being human, you would just choose to come back again because that is the kind of being you 'normally' are. One who doesn't leave anything unfinished and because of a deeply compassionate heart seeking to understand the Creator you would gladly plunge yourself in to this experience again to gain that understanding.
This is because the you that exists on that level has no fears, no doubts nor inhibitions towards struggle or effort. The you on that level is courageous, daring and innocently enthusiastic. You have veiled yourself so heavily because you are trying to get a totally human experience, and in particular because of your compassionate heart, you have programmed difficulties and challenges of acceptance that would normally be very easy for you but out of your desire to understand the lack of compassion humans exhibit you have also veiled those parts of yourself to make it so you can encounter the side of yourself that you were unable to know in your higher form (due to lack of veil).
You can see it that the things you have difficulties with now, are things that are actually normally very easy for you. You are getting to know your fully true self by exploring all your opposites.
My friend, relationships are about balance, they have ups and downs just like the rest of life. You are so focused on what you don't want and on what you want to avoid, how can you attract what you do want? Yes, there can be disagreements and impassioned feelings during relationships, but that doesn't mean it isn't a worthwhile experience, or that these disagreements aren't beneficial, just the same as in any other field of life. Yet, when you do find a relationship that works for you and the other person, there is no other experience like it.
Don't be afraid to try things out or to try people out. Maybe the first person you try will be right for you, but if they are not that doesn't mean give up, but rather define more what you are looking for.
I think you would be less frightened of humans if you spent more focus on what you do like about them rather than being intimidated by what you don't.
Maybe you will even find someone who also feels as strongly as you do about anthros and you can enjoy that concept more physically, or even astrally with the person.
Aha I don't know, I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything but to be honest I see an anthro-wolf whom expresses itself as your guide, and he says that the reason you became a human is to share the beauty of the philosophy of unconditional love and intimate love that the anthros have with humans. He said the reason you are dissatisfied with humans and being human is because you watched them before coming here and before incarnating. You incarnated to see why humans acted the way that they do and what it was like to be that way.
The guide also tells me that you are in shock over your human experience because it is so veiled compared to before and that is why you long for death, to be 'home' and to be with anthros again, your consciousness is in shock. However, he also says that you are avoiding the very work you came here to do by trying to avoid getting involved with the human drama and fully embracing the human experience. You are seeking understanding and that is only gained through direct experience. He says that if you left now, or if you did not realize your own humanness and thus gain understanding of being human, you would just choose to come back again because that is the kind of being you 'normally' are. One who doesn't leave anything unfinished and because of a deeply compassionate heart seeking to understand the Creator you would gladly plunge yourself in to this experience again to gain that understanding.
This is because the you that exists on that level has no fears, no doubts nor inhibitions towards struggle or effort. The you on that level is courageous, daring and innocently enthusiastic. You have veiled yourself so heavily because you are trying to get a totally human experience, and in particular because of your compassionate heart, you have programmed difficulties and challenges of acceptance that would normally be very easy for you but out of your desire to understand the lack of compassion humans exhibit you have also veiled those parts of yourself to make it so you can encounter the side of yourself that you were unable to know in your higher form (due to lack of veil).
You can see it that the things you have difficulties with now, are things that are actually normally very easy for you. You are getting to know your fully true self by exploring all your opposites.