(07-11-2014, 06:40 AM)sunnysideup Wrote: Keep your head up, Confused.
"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn,
and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief."
- Rumi
Thank you so much for the encouragement, sunnysideup

I will attempt to persevere to see the face of the ONE behind everything.
(07-11-2014, 12:47 PM)Parsons Wrote: Confused, I almost always initially feel that way when greeted by extremely harsh catalyst. But after I have a chance to process it, I oftentimes smile at even the harshest catalyst. I always end up feeling that it must have been a lesson I really needed to learn.
Sometimes I am also assaulted by a bunch of catalyst and I don't get a chance to passively/easily process it. By the end of the day, I am sometimes ready to throw a tantrum or sulk. Those are the days where I actively/manually process the catalyst by going through each one asking myself a question related to each ray (eg, how did this situation effect my red-ray survival? How did this situation effecty orange-ray sense of self? etc). It is often difficult and uncomfortable to get through initially, but a few minutes after I'm done, I feel as though a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Sometimes a catalyst will be overlooked and I will remember it days or even weeks later and I will go back and manually process it. I noticed it can have a profound effect on my general disposition towards life.
Thank you for sharing that, Parsons. That, indeed, sounds like a very disciplined spiritual effort that teachers like Ra would probably commend as good practice.
I think its effectiveness lies in the fact that the practice, like you have provided description of it, will allow for a culture of non-judgment or enlightened understanding to develop, both in terms of the self and other selves. Very often, more than the catalyst, it is the pain of things done in haste and said in spite that keeps rattling in the cage of the mind, festering like a wound that chips away one's elan.