06-23-2010, 07:57 PM
(06-23-2010, 07:02 PM)Namaste Wrote: On the other hand, some artists creativity is highest when in states of hate, depression, or rage. This indicates that the blockages themselves are acting as the energy source, expressed through negative emotions.
This is an interesting facet to explore further perhaps. I considered this example shortly after posting this morning. Many musical artists do bring forth their best work when in states of rage, depression, or other states of being that we would normally consider as results of some sort of chakra blockage. Yet I don't think that the blockage itself has the potential to release creative energy. I can't back that up with anything, but it doesn't make sense to me really. The basic idea, if I am correct, is that the artist channels the intelligent energy from the creator through his or her chakra system, until it reaches the correct center (whichever we figure it to be), and as result is able to manifest whatever it is they are attempting to create. Under this system, were the energy to become blocked on the way the artwork would not be created, or not be created well. :-/ But as we know this is not what we see in our world, there are many cases in music and many other art forms where depression and other 'negative' states are the root base of the work, and many times I would say the work is extremely well done! It's a bit of a puzzle to me.