(06-30-2014, 11:24 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Icaro I have been happily wrong many times and I take what I, and I alone, feel is "right" from the situation. Even as I am humbled every time, I feel no desire to be only taught by others and their word alone, without my judgement making the final call.
I am so freaking happy to be wrong. I am not happy to depend another for learning what is right and wrong. That is utter stupidity to me.
This forum is telling me to "just integrate" and forget about my judgement. That kind of thinking can just fork right off.
I feel like the one who runs my life here. If I start delegating it to the highest bidder, I am throwing dice with my life.
If your happiness depends on learning all by yourself, well then you are in for a rough time on planet Earth. Learning can only take place when there is an other self present, which is one of the reasons we are here. How much have you taught yourself of compassion? Of love? Of sacrifice? Of HATE? And how much have others taught you of these? Considering all learning is experience, you have learned EVERYTHING from others. You haven't learned a single thing about anything by yourself. From the friends you have/don't have, to the walks in the park you have taken/not taken, to the the looks you have unconsciously not noticed from others. All the way back to the spankings you received as a child and the hugs and kisses you received from your grandmother, an infant in her arms. You have learned everything you have ever learned from another person.
The first step to loving speech and mindful listening is understanding the above. Understanding that your life is not your own, that it belongs to the world. You think you make your own choices and go where you please, but in reality you make the choices you've learned to make, you go places where you've learned how to travel there. You think you are free, yet you have never tasted freedom, nor would you know what it feels like it you had. You are a child of Earth, and have been born into bondage, as have we all.
When you truly understand this, it opens the door to actual freedom. When you see you are utterly dependent on everyone else in the world, not just on others for power, water, shelter, but also others actions for learning about the world. When you see and understand this, it opens the door to a love quite pure. A love Ra has spoken of, and a love we have all experienced, if ever so fleeting. That love that sees beyond appearance, that sees yourself in others. Now that you finally understand you depend on others, it is quite fitting that you in fact ARE others. This is gratitude. This is the way to loving speech and mindful listening.
The only freedom, or at least the FIRST freedom, is gratitude. Gratitude for all the gifts we've been given, all the chains that have bound us to others our whole life. Grateful for our life, since it wouldn't be here without others. And how does gratitude speak? Does it need others to understand it, regardless of their own needs? Does it require to be heard? Does it make flashy statements and claims to gather attention? Does it desire a certain view people have about it, making statements to that end? Does it need to be right? No.
How would you speak if your goal was to manifest gratitude and open as love with every word, every syllable? As humans, we rarely experience things as pure as this, so lets talk in experience. How do you speak when your child is born? When you see a loved one after so long apart? When you find that perfect flower in the garden. When the sun sets on the horizon. Do you demand the sun understand you? That it hear your truth? Do you tell the sun you are a super yogi and are really quite humble? I doubt it. If you are like most people, in these moments of serenity and love you likely just stare in awe, cry, hug, kiss, etc. THIS is loving speech and mindful listening, and it isn't done with too many words.
Not that words shouldn't be used, but in these moments of extreme love, we seem to be so much more careful with our words, as if it is hard to say even the kindest words. Words are a tool, the most powerful tool we humans have ever invented. So speak your words, but speak them as love would, and hear them as gratitude would.
When people are telling you to "just integrate," I am confident this is what their unconscious is trying to communicate to you. You, as so many other B4thers (me included), make posts that are clearly seeking attention for attentions sake. Trying to have people understand us here because few will in our offline life. Building an avatar on this forum, one that we aren't living up to, but one that we want people to believe in, so we can believe it ourself. "Just integrate," is a reminder. There doesn't have to be conflict. We say harsh things sometimes and we read things we don't want to hear, but there is a bottom line. We are a community, and we are all deserving of love. I don't care if Adonai One is as humble as he claims or if zenmaster is as much a blunt dickhead offline as he is online (love you doe), or if MichaelD really thinks he is right about anything at all. The bottom line is this place was created to share love, and its primal intent can still be tasted today, right now. We all love each other, and that is the only speech that matters.