(06-27-2014, 01:00 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is Unity possible in 3D?
It's my main gripe that I don't experince it (more).
I put (more) in parenthesis because I'm not sure if I've ever experienced it here.
I want to be one with you. But all I see is separation.
And separation is a drag.
So is work. So is (sometimes) life.
Well, so is (manytimes) life.
Are any of you "Craving" unity/oneness?
Maybe my soul is too "dirty" to experience it while veiled on this planet.
Keep in mind your consciousness is rooted in a body whose very nature is designed to deliver information to you in a structured, discrete, and organized way. Your senses are delivering information to your consciousness in a separated way.
You may do well to honestly ask yourself what you expect unity is actually like?
So what to do as a 3rd density being?
Well, keep in mind that the picture delivered by your physical senses is an illusion. It automatically makes the world looks like a bunch of parts. In other words, just looking through your physical senses equals an activation of the vibration of separation.
To experience unity, you have to activate vibrations of unity. Or at least, take your attention away from vibrations that are activations of separation. You can try to stop thinking, which is what many adepts do, and the cork that you've been holding under the water will eventually float to the top. Whatever you place your attention on is an activation of vibration. So what we are talking about here, is thought. But I don't want you to think about thoughts, because letting thought go all willy nilly will also take you to separation.
Its all about your emotions, guide your attention by the way it feels. That is the key to experiencing unity in 3rd density, I promise. Don't effort your way there either. That will lead to failure.
Just lean in the direction of thoughts that feel good. That's it. It is so simple.
That simple practice, continued long term, will lead you to a a whole different perspective that is in alignment with violet ray 3rd density, which is the perspective of unity as seen through a 3rd density lens of consciousness. Then you can look at appearances of separation yet continue to see them through the lens of unity, and your interpretations of what you see won't divorce you, vibrationally, from the being of unity you always and eternally, are.