(06-20-2010, 11:44 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: It is the same Ra, just via a different transmission/reception level.
Pertaining to how LL trance channelled this social memory complex resulted in a narrow band connection which had as little distortion as is possible between distant densities. The social memory complex obtains uniform thought from more than 300 million Ra entities, which literally has one voice for the group.
David's Ra is a single individual of the social memory complex, which obtains uniform thought from more than 300 million Ra entities, but speaks for itself. David consciously channels this single entity. Conscious channelling in itself may be anywhere from containing minor to very severe distortion, for there are many factors involved in the end result message.
these are not logical.
first of all, a societal complex is something that forms in early 4th density due to of the wills, aims, objectives of seeking of all entities being of one direction, as Ra puts it. it creates harmonization.
secondly, the harmonization of the complex goes on more and more through 4th, 5th and 6th densities, increasingly causing complexes to act as if one singular entity due to harmonization.
remember how Ra says 'i am Ra' before each sentence. instead of saying 'we are Ra'.
and remember how some complexes are referring to themselves as principles, instead of complexes. the 'principle known as ...' phrase, for example. this signifies the direction of seeking of the entities - they are concentrating and manifesting that certain principle altogether.
if, we combine these 2 facets, ie, harmonization, union and direction of seeking, it means that highly harmonized entities of very high density would be having commonality of seeking.
this, means that any member of Ra, would know and keep the wisdom of all the other members.
this means that any member of Ra, would act as Ra, not as individual entities. (doing otherwise would decrease harmonization).
this means that, since they had so hard lessons in regard to wisdom prior to these times, and displayed the understanding of these lessons in the 1980 channelings. ranging from extreme precaution not to infringe upon free will to refraining from any personal gratification of any entity, including themselves. leave aside grand predictions regarding anything.
therefore the above rationalizations do not hold, since the particular source of the channel is in contrast with the wisdom and lessons Ra complex have showed that they have learned in 1980 original channelings.
if a single entity out of 300 million of a complex acts unwise and gets involved in karma, that would affect all of them in a measure. therefore, all the entities would take care not to do something not all of the 300 million entities are in general agreement and acceptance with. not to mention that doing as such would be seen as doing a disservice to those who they were trying to serve in the first place.
if, that source is of Ra, then it means Ra has lost their wisdom, and again intervening in the world in an unwise fashion, doing predictions and engaging in trifle, trivial matters and knowledge, instead of the level of display they showed during 1980 channelings. moreover, leave aside that fact, it would also mean that they have totally gone haywire, giving a huge measure of personal gratification to an incarnated individual.
IF, on another sidenote, there is an individual from among 300 million entities that goes in contrast with the seeking of the complex to THAT level, that entity would probably not remain as a member of that complex. therefore, that would make it a fallen, disagreeing entity. which is very unlikely i might add. this is advancing parts of 6th density. from that point on, it has a low chance of happening.
therefore, in conclusion, the above rationalizations do not hold.
my opinion is that this individual is channeling either a particularly unwise entity, OR, very probably, a negative source, mimicking the nature of a positive contact. (this subject was studied in early books of Ra, remember).
the considerable amount of personal gratification in the channelings, AND especially the life path of this individual, david willcock takes, with all its adolescent pop-star like facets, grand statements of being the channeler of both cayce and Ra, the two prominent and reliable sources of modern times, reinforce the above proposition.