03-04-2009, 04:46 PM
(01-09-2009, 06:07 AM)Chaotikmind Wrote: I strongly feel there is a misunderstanding of STS here, it seems that STS is always linked to something evil, which is obviously false : The link between good/evil and positive/negative is pure human biasing, servicing the self don't necessarily make you a killer or something like that, (well, i have to admit the path is pretty dark and can easily lead to it)
What a wonderful post! Thank you, Chaotikmind, for having the guts to talk about this here.
This is fascinating to me because I used to be completely STS. I was a member of an STS organization for many years, and I have to agree with you that the energy is highly addictive! Quite beautiful, too, in a Dark way. And definitely NOT necessarily evil.
In my case, however, I had always experienced compassion for others, despite the fact that I was simultaneously quite irritated with people as a rule. I firmly believed that the STO path was "weak" and that one really needed strength in order to follow the STS path. Maybe that's true. But this nagging compassion I felt eventually made me realize that something was "off."
This is in no way a judgment on you, Chaotikmind, nor on the STS path. I'm only sharing what happened to me. I think, in my case, I was "meant" to be on the STO path, and this detour (of nine years!) was really a very educational experience. I learned all about the STS path from the inside, and I believe this knowledge has gone a long way toward creating the balance that I needed in my own life.
May you find the destination you seek.