05-26-2014, 06:01 AM
(05-25-2014, 05:17 PM)Diana Wrote:(05-25-2014, 02:00 PM)Melissa Wrote: I think you have every right to complain, it's not even complaining, and I also think it isn't necessary to tiptoe around this subject. Though I do feel this should be a more broader topic, about cruelty and brutality in general. And more importantly; how incredibly numb we've become to it, or have to become -in order to engage with the world as it currently is.
Thank you Melissa.
I do think most people are numb to the cruelty currently rampant on this planet. I wish I could be numb. That's my problem, I'm not. So I remain somewhat reclusive and keep certain things at bay in order not to spiral down into despair. Of course, I am focusing here on this particular aspect of 3D existence. There is also much beauty, love, and kindness here.
As far as "tiptoeing," perhaps that's not the most accurate word. I feel I have had to be very, very careful not to offend anyone (and honor everyone's free will) while engaging in the subject of eating meat. I made enormous efforts to be impartial and allowing of others. I am not sure I was always successful. I actually felt a great deal more than I was saying so my perceptions may have been skewed. The subject of vegetarianism is very volatile. I think it derives from guilt (conscious or unconscious) on one side, and sadness (sometimes anger) on the other.
Yes, I can tell there's been a lot of effort and 'carefulness' put into your posts. So much so that, quite frankly, it almost makes me cringe, because it's so obvious that you're passionate about it but I feel your passion, who you are, gets lost in the 'going out of your way' and trying to honor everyone but yourself, your true feelings and perspective. And I think that is what this topic is truly about, besides the obvious difference of opinions or lifestyles, but those aspects only serve as triggers to get you to feel, speak and live your truth. At least, that's how I see it.
Not being numb has caused me a great deal of despair as well, and I still live fairly reclusive though I'm currently shifting to some sort of balanced engagement with people and everything that's going on in the world, because I love it so much. Reclusiveness, for me, goes against my surpringly outgoing nature, but I've only recently (re)discovered that. Yet there is still so much s*** (excuse my french) going on which tends to generate a lot of emotional energy, so for now I try to use that 'energy' for issues that are important to me.
By the way, I try to type as I would normally speak, and I don't talk loud or fast