05-09-2014, 06:59 AM
My comments on the pathological utilization of intuition were not about your post or you but rather a conclusion drawn from study of scholars and doctors of higher rank than I that produced works (that I have had the privilege of reading) that were a product of decades of years of work with 1000s of mentally ill people. Do not take that personally lawl
Also, you may want to be careful fingerpointing at fallacies of logical discourse lest the same be done to you. it's very easy to reject an idea simply because it is fallacious in reasoning, but this doesn't mean that it is incorrect.
Also, you may want to be careful fingerpointing at fallacies of logical discourse lest the same be done to you. it's very easy to reject an idea simply because it is fallacious in reasoning, but this doesn't mean that it is incorrect.