(04-26-2014, 07:11 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: It makes me wonder in between creations when Creator sleeps, how it knows when to awaken again. What keeps it from sleeping forever. Is it some sort of internal clock like we have that wakes us up automatically after so many hours?
I'm sure going to enjoy sleeping with Creator. The rest will be amazing, though if I am unconscious at that time I probably won't appreciate it. Not sure if Creator dreams when it sleeps.
Gemini, it is one of the many ideas. It may or may not be true.
However, exploring within this sleep mode idea, it could be in a mode, where it more comprehensively experiences life, without any active creation happening. Simply experience. Or, it simply resets itself, to start learning again. So, for the One, it could be an instantaneous reset switch, or a long state of consciousness, where experience dominates, but with only observations, no creation.
The reason for the sleep, to reset, to start again could be this:
(Just lame guesswork) But think about it. No matter how intelligent an entity might be, at some point it will be done with all the learning that it wants to do, as well as all the creation. In quite simple, generic human terms, at this point this entity may be "bored," or have nothing more to learn. Now, if such an entity is infinite creator, it may think, I have learned everything about myself, yet "I am life itself" so i cannot stop. Life has to carry on eternally. Experience has to carry on eternally, infinitely. So, knowing everything that it had ever needed to, the One creator may retain some of the essential life lessons, reset its knowledge, go to a sleep mode, and then start from scratch again. This will enable life to never cease, infinity to forever carry on, infinite creator to forever learn and experience.
Think about this. Ra material says that infinite creator "learned from the last octave and decided to add veil in this octave."
If it is the infinite intelligence, highest that can ever be, why would it need to learn from the previous octave. Why did it not think of veil earlier? I think the paradox of infinite creator knowing everything, yet still learning about itself can be resolved by it deliberately starting from scratch after having completed "all that there is to learn" perhaps infinite times already. So, it retains some key points, and resets with all its faces (spirits/souls) and starts learning again. That way creation adds to infinity.
Whatever the truth might be, amazing thing is that as we are in this limited third density, all this will be revealed to us naturally at the final stages of our path. One of infinite paths that we as the creator will traverse again in another infinite creation. Ofcourse, "we," "I" won't matter at that point. It will just be all One.
Thinking about all this humbles you in a strange manner, where you do not wanna be the expert that necessarily knows these final truths. You simply want to experience as you are, and learn as we go. That is why I do not grasp the desire of some here and in other new Age forums to prove to others their adepthood. It is easy to tell that is what is going on subconsciously in some minds. All fun and activity though. If I had come across Ra 10 years ago, I could have been a wannabe expert too.
Anyways, thinking about infinite creation, its infinite limitations and imperfections, which we slowly understand to have been perfect all the time - all this humbles you, and wants to just experience as you are. Joke, rant, criticize, fight, make-up, love as you are.
That is why, I personally think that the kind of fascination you have with Anthros is totally fair, and you should not feel any shame in exploring it. Many religions and New Agies make higher densities sound boring and suffocating. No way Jose. No way, it is incessantly worrying about your chakras. This infinite creation is more than dynamic enough to satisfy every one. Just maintain your love, Gemini. And also, learn on your way.
(04-26-2014, 07:11 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Not sure if Creator dreams when it sleeps.
Maybe that sleep is its dreaming stage. Where, now that it has learned everything, it simply experiences, enjoys the experience. We as the creator will be One at that point, so enjoying the experience with it, as it, in it.
I like the idea that some of our life's primary characteristics music, humor, dreaming etc. come from some grand life plan that is the essence of everything that the creator/creation learns every time. It learns them, stores the essence, and starts again. In essence this could be seen as creation becoming a creator, learning everything, so much so that it again becomes the creation itself to start all over again, adding to experience and existence infinitely. So, infinity becoming a creator, adding to itself, and resetting to become the creator again, and on and on.
And, to top all that complexity, there could be many, many more possibilities of how creation does it all. How infinity and infinite creator separate (in cosmic sense) and then morph again. With experience gained every time. So, on our micro scale, good to appreciate simply the experience, even if things may not be going our way.
Compare this to religious Gods, which come out as dominating and controlling. Many new Age people also perceive creation as limiting and controlling (in subtle, loving manner), when it is just their individual perspective being reflected as creation. This creation has requisites of love and wisdom for learning for very good reasons, but beyond those requisites, you are free to explore, free to provide catalyst, accept it, or simply live and experience.