Know thyself, always a good advice, a primordial advice 
I have several desires but my primary desire at this time, and as it has been for a few years, is loving and accepting more within myself and within others; accepting the self and its actions unconditionally.
I realize this is not an easy feat and it is not something which can realistically be reached or attained within an incarnation, for pursuing unity and compassion is an act of the present moment. It is therefore inherently fulfilled in my daily life as I seek to accept and love more fully what is around/within me. Catalysts that come my way are an opportunity which, if I accept them, can enable me to accept more of myself and others. I see that even when I "fail" to fully accept a catalyst, I learn something new about myself. And so, I am the embodiment of my desire as it is
Nothing ever truly takes me away from it.

I have several desires but my primary desire at this time, and as it has been for a few years, is loving and accepting more within myself and within others; accepting the self and its actions unconditionally.
I realize this is not an easy feat and it is not something which can realistically be reached or attained within an incarnation, for pursuing unity and compassion is an act of the present moment. It is therefore inherently fulfilled in my daily life as I seek to accept and love more fully what is around/within me. Catalysts that come my way are an opportunity which, if I accept them, can enable me to accept more of myself and others. I see that even when I "fail" to fully accept a catalyst, I learn something new about myself. And so, I am the embodiment of my desire as it is