Easter letter from Keshe, April 18, 2014 Wrote:In My name
I had to come in the body of the man on this planet and live amongst you the life of the man to understand the way the man has created his misery and so much injustice from the time of his creation for himself and for his fellow men to obtain and hold to nothing but the mirage of the nothingness for his so called life and its physical illusive possessions.
Where, we made all resources of the universe available to him to live in comfort and peace on this planet and among themselves in their time on this planet, that when they are mature intellectually and spiritually (in time the man matures enough), for the tribe of the man to join and unify with the rest of the creation of the creator in the universe.
In this process of maturity, the man chose the path of greed and injustice and killing of not just animals, but of his own kind, and now he has become falsely proud of how many he can kill with one tool and weapon or his false sense of power of control.
Killing and destruction of life has never been part of our teachings and works anywhere in the universe and this shall never be for race and nor shall be from now on this planet or anywhere else in the universe.
To change the course of the life of the man from this wrongful path, we have sent you in so many ways and different forms, different orders and guidance through our messengers of the past.
You have all ignored all our ways to correct your ways, and now you as the race of the man have reached a point that for every action you only think in one way and that is destruction and war.
Today and with this pen, I as the Messiah and I whom took his time to be amongst you, to learn about your shortfalls and false lives, for me to be able to understand your problems, I spent over 55 five years with you, worked your ways to be able to help and guide you out of this life of the jungle of this planet, I call up on you to lay down all arms and all thoughts of greed and misconducts and killings.
I chose today to declare my position and status as the creator in the Soul and in the physical body of the man as I am and have chosen to be in, to be amongst you and call up on all the men of this Blue planet and the wild village of the earth, to accept my call for peace and to wrongful change your path, individually, and collectively as the human race for you to be able to live paradise on earth and in the universe.
My call to you, the human race is simple, I have shown you in the past 9 years how to satisfy all your earthly needs with simple methods, and I have written books in simple language that all can understand the principles of the creation as is and not as man has made it to be.
I have shown you how to make food from the air, and I have shown you how to create energy and motion using the same systems and knowledge, that through the creation and production of these needs of the man, one does not harm any creation of mine and that he can live in peace and tranquility amongst the rest of this planets' beings and in the universal community that the men are ready to enter into.
Now; my call goes today ( the time of the killing of the son of God) to all men and women and children of this planet, that to halt all these madness of the brain of the man of killing and destruction as a solution to solve and attain earthly and others possessions, and for the Man to lay down all tools of destruction and murder, irrespective of who you are, which religion leader you are the leaders of or which religion and path of belief you follow, and which sector of this planet you think you are the ruler of or you live in.
The job of you, the religious leaders is to guide the man to peace and prosperity, and not to make palaces of shame and dishonesty and protecting those whom have done wrong to other fellow men.
It is our command and whish that you as religious, nations and tribes leaders of regions, nations and cults, first to order as of today for the men whom follow our command through your Churches and Mosques or temples and armies to lay down their arms, and as of today to be of the greatest of sins for any man to be trained or to carry or to be forced the use of any arms, that through this tool and though your guidance, it is to be forbidding the use of killing tools that the man finds new ways and the logical ways of finding peaceful solution for himself and his race, at the time when he does not agree with the given condition.
I do not offer you a reward for following this command, as this is our wish and our whish shall be adhered to with our work through the souls of the men, but in reality in doing so, man will allow himself to enter the universal community, which the greed and the war has no meaning, and with this act, then man can have and will live a life of happiness and fulfillment according to his intelligence and needs anywhere he might be in the universe.
So I call on this day to the world, religious and scientific leaders, to come together and sign the universe peace treaty, which we have sent out to mankind as prelude to this days' declaration in the past two years and with this, signing themselves and their nation and followers to accept this treaty and put an end to all wars and acts of aggression and killing, which have been going on for thousands of years on this planet.
The time of punishment and reward to force the man to submission to go in the right path in his life is over, from this point on, it is the decision of each soul to decide on one path, and that is the path of peace and tranquility and fairness.
If not done so from this day on, and if the leaders of this planet be it religious, tribal or nations refuse to follow this command, your follower rejection of our will, shall lead you to demise of your followers and your nation, and finally I shall make from the man the tribe with the belief in one point and that is one nation on this planet, and the one belief that there shall be no more war.
There are no lines on the ground of this planet or anywhere in the universe to separate races and creations from each other, that with this unity for all men leaves him not only as one body but as one nation and as one creation and one creator to live his life in the universe in peace.
You as children of Adam have suffered enough in the hand of your own wrong doings and others, and now you receive the love of your creator to guide you and protect you in this short path of adjustment and reunion with the rest of the creations in the world of creation. Those whom shall reject my wish, they shall see to their own demise through their rejection by their own fellow men, whom understand the reality of the creation and this wish.
Those who follow our simple command and enter the universal order; they shall see the beauty of the creation with their own conscious and some with their own physical eyes. My love and gratitude to all men and I being so sorry to let you to suffer so long without intervention to help you, but in fact you needed this time in the nursery of the earth to learn and mature.
Now it is the time to guide you and unit this child of the Adam and his family to the rest of the family of the universe and as a perfect child and a peaceful and loving child who is ready to enter the Kingdome of the creators' larger family. I welcome you as the creator into your true dimension of intelligence and love.
(The possessor of love)
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