03-19-2014, 11:36 AM
(03-18-2014, 12:58 PM)zenmaster Wrote: The beginning of something is the go-to framing of the new-age meme, because any new would-be paradigm of existence can be perpetually described as incipient or on the horizon. The intuition uses "signs". The hyper-intuition looks for particular signs which suggest things to reinforce desired confirmation bias. This meme is not effective at actually bringing about change due to lack of grounding in evaluated experience.
If I am reading your statement as you intended, it seems that you make two assertions:
1. Premonition of something to come, in this case a Big Something, is unreliable because:
a) it relies heavily on intuition
b) being vague and murky, the information gained by the intuition is used to confirm pre-existing biases.
2. Because of this projection of pre-existing bias into the future, (rather than a real determination of actual future, or actual potential), the possibility of and potential for actual change in the desired/hoped for direction is nullified.
Is this right?
If so, I definitely see how both points *can* describe the situation, but I would counter that both points don't necessarily and always describe the actual situation.
My responses:
1. The intuitive faculties, as I think you imply, need greater articulation and expression through a marriage with the rational faculties in order to be useful, productive, and helpful.
They can however be co-opted so that instead of disclosing what's actually there, the intuitive faculties just reinforce existing bias. A case of "evidence" appearing that verifies wish fulfillment.
Nevertheless, there remains a wiser user of intuition that does, actually, sense a coming wave, or a coming change. That people intuitively sense an upcoming shift doesn't negate the eventuality of the shift.
Consider 65.10:
Quote:Questioner: So we have the distinct possibility of two different types of catalyst creating an atmosphere of seeking that is greater than that which we experience at present. There will be much confusion, especially in the scenario of Earth changes simply because there have been many predictions of these changes by many groups giving various and sundry reasons for the changes. Can you comment on the effectiveness of this type of catalyst and the rather wide pre-knowledge of the coming changes but also the rather wide variation in, shall I say, explanation for these changes?
Ra: I am Ra. Given the amount of strength of the possibility/probability vortex which posits the expression by the planet itself of the difficult birthing of the planetary self into fourth density, it would be greatly surprising were not many which have some access to space/time able to perceive this vortex. The amount of this cold cereal in the grocery, to use our previous analogy, is disproportionately large. Each which prophesies does so from an unique level, position, or vibratory configuration. Thus biases and distortions will accompany much prophecy.
2. Even in the event where intuition is used to validate the hopes, desires, and fantasies of the self, that nevertheless, I think, serves as an act of creation (however distorted it may be), and can thus render actual change (however distorted that may be).
Not that a group of people wishing for a density change, and taking massive creative license to "read between the lines" and see "evidence" everywhere, is going to produce said density change.
But our present circumstances are the result of countless humans taking action on even flimsier pretext and basis.
A notion develops in the mind, the outer world seems to confirm said notion (especially so for the individual not honestly and ruthlessly evaluating/analyzing/questioning their experience), and action results. Or if not action, then hope and intention is pumped into, and accumulates in, a psychic field of potential that eventually manifests as some actuality.
With love/light, Gary
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi