(02-26-2009, 08:19 AM)jeremy6d Wrote: I've followed David Wilcock's work for some time - it was my introduction to the Law of One. 2012 used to be very important to me. I now find the concept to be distracting to my spiritual growth. The idea of a deadline for polarization just encourages me to heap judgments on myself. I trust that whatever happens in 2012 will be for the best, and while it's taken me a long time to get to that point, I feel like releasing my anxiety about the concept has actually helped me focus on my own development more.
(02-26-2009, 08:36 AM)ayadew Wrote: I was also introduced to the whole concept of LOO by our dear David, but I also find his work distracting now. It's a great introduction, and I am grateful for him for that, but I feel there is something wrong with David, a 'gut feeling' if you will.
There is something very deep inside him that is not harmonized, that permeates all his words, his website and his forum. There is an aggression towards criticism, judgement and an underlying purpose. It's hard to put to words. I can only intend the best for his spiritual evolution.
I am thrilled to see that there seems to be a growing and resonating sentiment amongst many that 2012 may be a far more elegant evolution as a process than what some authors, and even movies alike, attribute their focus towards as based on their own fear biased views. There is an axiom from a book by Sheldon Kopp that shares, "If you see Buddha on the road kill him." The point to this being that the only way to even begin the steps towards awareness, much less enlightenment, is to ultimately release the teacher, and recognize that the emperor has no clothes. There is no spoon. There is no Emperor. There aint no one here but us chickens striving to be eagles. We're all pilgrims walking on the dusty trail together stumbling in the shadows of faith. How might any man have a greater truth than your own? Releasing the teacher is a simple must in order that one may become one's own teacher to oneself. This is true growth. A child knows this instinctively when rebelling against a parent. The Jim Jones cool-aide test is to simply and graciously take a pass on the drink being offered.
This gentleman has performed a herculean amount of research of various materials to be sure. But it may all lead to vanity if it leads to the undoing of love and gentleness of life as a conclusion. As Edgar Cayce himself stated (as he claims he is), one can read anything into the Bible one wishes as easily as one can read out of it. Surely this holds true for cloud gazing and Rorschach ink blot tests as much as to the opining on metaphysics and the Law of One as well? No? What is perplexing is that we as a species seem compelled to need to allow others to do our thinking for us as though members of a club with a dire need to be right, while "making them wrong." It makes us feel as though we belong by making "them" feel they don't. As history has proven, God forbid one attempt to hold an open academic dialogue when the masses have been convinced of their consensus mindset to a higher personal truth that belongs to their teacher that presumably the student couldn't reckon for himself.
It is our duty to always be revolutionary/evolutionary/radical in our own thinking as a means to stir us awake, less we fall asleep at the wheel in the stupor of another's truth. But this is self evident. Ra admonishes in each reading that we think for ourselves. We must always remain vigilant and be willing to gently nudge our sleeping brother to wake. This is why wanderers feel compelled to return.
What if 2012 is far more elegant than this author, or others, have it in question as their truth, no longer capable of being questioned. To the entire subject of 2012, I offer a radical concept; another thought experiment if you will:
What if all we've read is true...in a larger sense, but perhaps different in a smaller sense? What if 2012 is an occurrence that is, and has been, transpiring either from one perspective since time began, or from another at some appointed time during the 1930's, or 1960's, or 70's, or 90's. You see the point how absurd it begins to appear? Surely, it is indeed transient and distracting from this perspective.
But, from another, what if this occurrence, as believers we can at least agree will occur in some form or fashion, looks something like this:
1. A door opens on 2012. Thats it. Thats all. Nothing more grand. No fan-fare. No parade. No confetti. No horns.
2. However, in suggesting that nothing more grand occurs, this is in fact suggestive of the Grandeur that "may" occur, should one be of sufficient grade to enter. Herein, after having stepped through that door, do the trumpets sound, the parade begin, the confetti drop, as all are welcomed having earned this passage.
Now, what might this entering look like? Perhaps it looks something like this:
1. For those not able to withstand the newer vibration, they simply live out the rest of their lives as would be expected of a normal life. They live, they experience, they die at the end of their lives.
2. For those able to accept the newer, higher, more refined vibration of 4D, they too live out the rest of their lives as would be normally expected. They too live, they too experience, they too die at the end of their lives.
3. In other words.....ta-da....nothing happened in life.
4. The happening is far more sublime, elegant, and gentle than imagined or dreamed of by the "Rapturists", Law of One or otherwise. "The Happening" happens upon the natural death of the physical vehicle. It has perhaps been happening all along through this methodology. It happened to several lost civilizations some 25,000 years ago. They simply vanished, yet life went on. Here may be elegant truth to this theory.
Those capable of elegantly assimilating the newer vibration of 4D have by vibrational capacity inherited the right to enter upon their will before death, or their demise after, whilst those that have not yet sufficiently achieved this ability have the majestic gift of repeating 3D after their demise, this following their right to review, subsequent to their right to return.
5. Now, Gia herself, notwithstanding her occupants, also has the gift afforded herself of transitioning into 4D as well, but perhaps gradually as has been at least indicated by Ra and Quo both, and this moreover covering the course, measured in time/space of some several hundred years of this door that presented itself open, if you will.
1. What if everything we believe is true?
2. But what if it occurs naturally, after our natural demise, as a result of a door that opened fully on 2012, but only able to be entered in following the stage occurring after death, or before for some as potentially seen in cultures before as proof?
3. Gia is already vibrating at greater degrees in 4D presently. She will continue gradually to do so, and most profoundly beginning at 2012 fully. It is not the beginning of the end as we know it, but more the end of the beginning as we've known it.
Now, a conclusion is only as sound as it's premise, as offered in a previous post written by myself. I can draw any premise for any ground, and argue it's inevitable conclusion by sound reasoning and logic alone, and then busy myself finding the supporting documentation for same, not withstanding the sore lack of evidence. Were I to begin with the premise that the life of the physical vehicle (us, your children, your mother, all mankind) is to end on 2012, I dare say I may read into any number of channeled sessions, as well as the Bible, and tea leaves to boot, as much as Ra to support this as a conclusion. Just as assuredly, were I to begin with the premise that it will transition gradually, elegantly, and smoothly, not withstanding earth changes, bobbles, and bumps, and even life, I can read anything into anything, as much as I can read anything out of that same thing. I continue to maintain that a conjecture of this sort, says far more about the author of this opinion than it does about the theory.
As a test to this theory, let us run the experiment as a group to discover how much evidence may be gathered for the support of this positive life sustaining theory specifically as offered above based either through inference or direct quote of the Ra Material alone. By this, I mean not only the evidence offered directly thus far, as has been uncovered already and as would be self evident, but more to the point, the other quotes through which one might deduce the more positive position, specifically that indeed one must die, but not until one expires naturally.
I accept that Ra states that one must surely die to enter 4D. This may be self evident. 3D can not sustain itself in 4D. But where does it state emphatically that one must die a premature death of the physical vehicle in an instant on 2012, verses the natural death as though by a transition to a higher level? If interested, we may run this exercise to find the inferences, as well as direct quotes, of death as a necessity to enter 4D, and then examine them based on an entirely different premise that one must die, but die in the natural sense, as opposed to a cataclysmic end, or an instantaneous raptured event. You will, I assure, find that we may read a far more gentle interpretation into this if we begin from this premise as an exercise in logic, just as assuredly as you may find that life blows up with all the carnage and blood that must flow, verses the other of a puff in rapture reserved only for the chosen ones in an instant. Let us test ourselves. Let us find the quotes.
Let us examine them as an exercise with a specific premise in the effort of drilling down to an inevitable conclusion of 4D after natural death.
You will find far more than ever suspected to support this theory, and still be in the position of choosing one theory over the other. But the exercise will prove a profound point. "It ain't nuthin till ya call it", as Yogi Berra stated, and thus it reveals more about your psychology than it does the theory.
For example:
6.14 Questioner: I think that it would be appropriate to discover how the Law of One acts in this transfer of beings to our planet and the action of harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One states simply that all things are one, that all beings are one. There are certain behaviors and thought forms consonant with the understanding and practice of this law. Those who, finishing a cycle of experience, demonstrate grades of distortion of that understanding of thought and action will be separated by their own choice into the vibratory distortion most comfortable to their mind/body/spirit complexes. This process is guarded or watched by those nurturing beings who, being very close to the Law of One in their distortions, nevertheless, move towards active service.
Me: What might this say as regards a gradual evolution?
17.29 Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest is to occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread out?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest.
Me: In other words, those on the other side are also granted the right to pass through this door opening, as much are those currently alive. But where does it emphatically state you must die now first? You may die after you've been allowed to live a full life and then pass through this door through vibratory rights of will.
6.17 Questioner: Is this inconvenience imminent within a few years?
Ra: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years.
6.18 Questioner: After this period of thirty years I am assuming that this will be a fourth-density planet. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
Me: The planet becomes 4th density. No argument. Now, as I read, there exist 8 octaves in toto, each as a subset of the other in transition to the next, until it reaches fully the next octave. Might we deduce that 4D begins in it's first octave of 4D, verses presuming it is fully 4D at it's highest octave? Have the laws of octaves suddenly been suspended? Does this stand to reason by all we have read? Is/are the author(s) in question asking us to suspend our reasoning, or is he/they simply innocent in having missed it? Is the sky suddenly falling? In other words, perhaps Gia in 4D begins at her first octave, as much as would you or I? As above so below in all matters involving the microcosm as much as the macrocosm. Need 3D die in an instant/yet in this thought experiment? Gia in the 1st octave of 4D might be an entire new thread of revelation. It must be so, but is not addressed in the sessions only because it was not asked. A truth not specifically stated but inferred is shouting at us.
6.19 Questioner: Is it possible to estimate what percent of the present population will inhabit the fourth-density planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The harvesting is not yet, thus, estimation is meaningless.
Me: Straight form Scripture - "No man knoweth the hour save the Father." The planet will be 4th density, but the harvest is not yet, as life is not over yet. Perhaps some indeed will be harvested through and by will and choice, while others may stay on by will and choice through the natural death of the physical vehicle
13.22 Questioner: What is the density level of our planet Earth at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. The sphere upon which you dwell is third density in its beingness of mind/body/spirit complexes. It is now in a space/time continuum, fourth density. This is causing a somewhat difficult harvest.
Me: Reads as though the harvesting has already begun? The harvesting, as a consequence of the door having begun to open, and as a result of the planet now being in 3rd/4th, is already occurring for those that are passing or already have passed, but it is difficult due to a somewhat diluted not fully 4th change. Presumably when fully 4th, it will be less difficult for those harvestable to be harvested. Even if none have yet been harvested, the point remains.
From the sustained life premise to it's conclusion as an example: The Harvest begins occurring at 2011-2012. Those who are dead and deceased will be harvested if desired. Those alive who might will to be transitioned may also depart. But those perhaps willing to remain may do so as well. Does it stand to reason that a an STO oriented Logos would will that any who chose to remain throughout a natural life would be forced to go irregardless? Perhaps the bobbles and bumps and earth changes will facilitate the transitioning for some. Perhaps much has changed as Quo has indicted by our growth. Perhaps it seemed different in the 1980's when Ra gave this information and that we were all going the harder road that we've chosen to make lighter. But nowhere does it state emphatically as an eschatological truth, even in those channeled sessions, IMHO that death is a fait accompli. Please challenge me so I/we may grow. In this light the 2012 mythos becomes far from distracting, but becomes enlightening and liberating, as it demonstrates who we are, as much as the mirror will allow, and as does any other dialog we may immerse ourselves in for the same purposes, to discover ourselves, our beliefs, our energetic soul. Only by discovering ourselves do we become aware, to become enlightened. Isn't life after all one grand experiment in self discovery, even by the Creator himself through us? In this light, be not distracted. Dig deeper in joy ecstasy and rapture. This is a far cry from distraction.
Now, here is an experiment towards creating a Social Memory Complex right here and right now within our own group and forum. Might this be an experiment as well?