05-15-2010, 03:07 AM
Hi everone, not all planetary density transitions involve a doomsday scenario or other massive physical makeover. That's something more associated with 4th to 5th density transition, not 3rd to 4th. Going 3rd to 4th just means you (as a planet) are differentiating STO or STS, and undergoing all the spiritual awakenings, technological awakenings, STS recruitment campaigns, and other challenges and opportunities that differentiaion entails. It's a long drawn out process, and it won't be over in 2012. This planet is young. Hopefully earth will graduate within the confederacy and establish diplomacy with all the other worlds and outposts around it. Which there are many, by the way. An undifferentiated planet like Earth is rare, at least in this part of space and time (or both). Most planets and outposts with civilized societies are very firmly STO or STS.