02-25-2009, 11:36 AM
Good Greetings Ben:
I too have struggled with integrating into this reality. For most of my life I have been treated with great disrespect and fear. People fear that which is different. I also had a difficult time going with the flow when it was harming others... This led to me to be continuously let go from jobs.
I now have a dear friend and partner who acts as my interface... this is called a task mate or helper mate or with the Generousity of the Universe a Soul Mate. Perhaps if you intend this for yourSelf and things will be easier. I used this meditation to attract and create this experience:
I am open and willing to recieve a helper mate that will assist me to my highest Good with Love and Light as I assist them to their highest Good with Love and Light . I am so happy and grateful now that I have a perfect and good helper mate in my life that is committed to the highest Good for Self and All with Love and Light.
Thank you. So be it.
This is what worked for me... perhaps something like this will work for you.
Also, the black arms. This happens to many wanderers. Because of the interface incompatibility we are open to energies that do not serve us... It is like leaving your front door open for anyone that wants to to come in and take or give for good or ill. We sit with our door open unable to close it when there is something we do not want to experience... something that is not in alignment with our higher purpose... The task is to learn to open and close access to our energy (the door if you will to our house). Discernment is a skill that must be learned sometimes the hard way and with difficult consequences.
The intention: I hail you in the name of the One, True Infinite Creator. I bathe you with Love and Light. Is extremely helpful here as well for the black arms and such especially. We have the ability to create and uncreate any situation. It merely takes focus of mind and emotional center.
Thank you for sharing your story!
I too have struggled with integrating into this reality. For most of my life I have been treated with great disrespect and fear. People fear that which is different. I also had a difficult time going with the flow when it was harming others... This led to me to be continuously let go from jobs.
I now have a dear friend and partner who acts as my interface... this is called a task mate or helper mate or with the Generousity of the Universe a Soul Mate. Perhaps if you intend this for yourSelf and things will be easier. I used this meditation to attract and create this experience:
I am open and willing to recieve a helper mate that will assist me to my highest Good with Love and Light as I assist them to their highest Good with Love and Light . I am so happy and grateful now that I have a perfect and good helper mate in my life that is committed to the highest Good for Self and All with Love and Light.
Thank you. So be it.
This is what worked for me... perhaps something like this will work for you.
Also, the black arms. This happens to many wanderers. Because of the interface incompatibility we are open to energies that do not serve us... It is like leaving your front door open for anyone that wants to to come in and take or give for good or ill. We sit with our door open unable to close it when there is something we do not want to experience... something that is not in alignment with our higher purpose... The task is to learn to open and close access to our energy (the door if you will to our house). Discernment is a skill that must be learned sometimes the hard way and with difficult consequences.
The intention: I hail you in the name of the One, True Infinite Creator. I bathe you with Love and Light. Is extremely helpful here as well for the black arms and such especially. We have the ability to create and uncreate any situation. It merely takes focus of mind and emotional center.
Thank you for sharing your story!