01-26-2014, 09:37 AM
Quote:I wonder if this is why I find it so hard to articulate myself. How would you go about improving communication and articulacy?Communication is a two way street, in order for you to articulate an idea well to the other participant and for them to be receptive of it it helps to have a good enough idea of where they stand in the current discussion, so to speak. Verbal communication involves a lot more factors than text based communication, that's why this form is so limited in conveying meaning. When engaging in verbal (and visual, face to face) communication only a small amount (around 25% I think?) of what is being filtered through the mind is the actual words/symbolic sounds) used, a whole deal being processed (un)consciously is body language, tone of voice, facial expressions and other such things. If you want to know how to engage in communication well with people as in not just knowing how to articulate and idea but knowing what to say and how to say it to a particular person in general it might be worth reading into body language (Barbara and Allan Pease have a great book on the subject "The definitive book of body language").
As for knowing how to articulate ideas in general, I'd second zenmaster and say reading will help a great deal,like Kycahi said it will give you an idea of how others give form to the formless (from idea to word) just be careful not too read to many old texts and get stuck with grammar archaic (like myself lol). Also, if it's something you want to get better at, you're probably gonna have to practice :p