01-24-2014, 01:41 PM
I have come to suspect what Ra refers to as the path of the mind may be the sts path. There you have thrones and authority figures in the symbolisms, top of the pyramid. (In society as well the more intelligent tend to be at the top.) If that is true, they would seem to encounter the creator's love towards the end (the Lovers), forcing a reorientation of some kind to progress. The mind is what was made complex and is the foundation of the so-called illusion, so the 5th density negative may be the purest sts state (where they have crossed the so-called abyss of their occult literature and left the emotional body behind). Those who enter this from sto space without having shed the emotional body are anomalous and must become wanderers to progress. As Ra implies though, there is no right or wrong one is only more generally inconvenient than the other.