01-14-2014, 06:19 PM
During the third period of evolution, man lived upon the continent known as Lemuria. A continent lying in the Pacific Ocean, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. Its Northern portion was much in the present location of Australia, the Philippines,and the Islands of the Southern Pacific ; all of which
constitute the remnants of that continent now sunken beneath the Seas.
That periods occur in which there is a sinking of certain continents, and a rising of others, is as well known to Physicists as to Occultists. In Lemuria man passed from his lowest state of animal existence into what we may all a more rational or human state.His development during this time is substantially shown in the history of primitive man.
Some of the egos, outstripping the others, succeeded in reaching adeptship along certain lines, but the great mass of the people lived sensuous and sensual lives. There was very little spirituality manifested by the race during this period, and the perversion of natural laws and forces became marked toward its close.
The most notable event which occurred on that continent, immediately prior to the cataclysm which swept it beneath the waters, was the establishment of colonies in India. The colonists consisted of Masters, the Adepts and the cream of the race.
excerpt from : History and power of mind by Ingalese (1905)
this what i am currently re-reading
constitute the remnants of that continent now sunken beneath the Seas.
That periods occur in which there is a sinking of certain continents, and a rising of others, is as well known to Physicists as to Occultists. In Lemuria man passed from his lowest state of animal existence into what we may all a more rational or human state.His development during this time is substantially shown in the history of primitive man.
Some of the egos, outstripping the others, succeeded in reaching adeptship along certain lines, but the great mass of the people lived sensuous and sensual lives. There was very little spirituality manifested by the race during this period, and the perversion of natural laws and forces became marked toward its close.
The most notable event which occurred on that continent, immediately prior to the cataclysm which swept it beneath the waters, was the establishment of colonies in India. The colonists consisted of Masters, the Adepts and the cream of the race.
excerpt from : History and power of mind by Ingalese (1905)
this what i am currently re-reading