(05-07-2010, 01:57 PM)Namaste Wrote: I have a couple of questions...
Firstly, your initial actions are based upon fear of death; a survival mechanism. This is the type of action associated with a blockage in the lower energy centres. One would assume that a civilisation that has advanced to space travel, and indeed consciousness travel/transference, would understand the eternal nature of consciousness, and hence, have no fear of physical death. Is this not the case?
We strive to maintain conscious/thinking/ reasoning no matter what events are arranged to happen to us. Some events seem catachlysmic/catastrophic/overwhelming: remember stay aware, no matter what happens/apparently happens to you.
In reaction we are obliged to exorcize our best capabilities for survival and development and to use our best intelligence in this service.
"Cosmic Love is absolutelely Ruthless and Highly Indifferent: it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not."
Quote:Secondly, was it not an infringement of free will to inhabit another Self's consciousness without explicit permission? Especially due to the fact Tom was in an altered state of consciousness at the time. That action alone - using another for Self preservation - is of a service-to-self polarity. An entity orientated to service-to-others, would not commit such an action.
Tom was exploring and searching for something and found what he was looking for. He learned the hard way to be careful what you wish for because you might actually get it.
That would also be the answer to JoshC's comment regarding the permission issue.
Quote:As Aaron mentioned, your thoughts are full of fear, which again points to a service-to-self polarity. This would seem to be the reason you experience such fear. The language such as "some may think I'm crazy" also points at orange-ray blockages, distortions with the acceptance of Self.
Fear is quite a normal reaction to the onset of a Startling Phase. In fact fear would be an understatment. Paranoia would be a more appropriate term. As I mentioned earlier these events took place 20 to 25 years ago.
Quote:Thank you for the warning, TV is indeed a propaganda organ, as David Wilcock so perfectly phrased it (in the context of Fox).
Welcome to the forum.
Your welcome and thank you.
(05-07-2010, 12:33 PM)Aaron Wrote: In reading your post, I noticed a couple of phrases which seemed indicative of a fear-soaked thought stream. These thoughts stem from the "us vs them" mentality and cause suffering that seems to be an outside force imposing on "you".
No matter we like it, or not the world breaths with an "us vs them" mentality and is suffering by an imposition of fear based reality.
Those words and phrases we wrote in 2001 as it turns out were prophetic to say the least.
The motivation for them was to ask help to end the suffering for the world even if it was a desperate attempt doomed to fail.
Quote:"none of you will believe me" "we are all in deep trouble. Time is running out. We need to act quick. Who is with me?"
You can rest assured I have paid dearly in personal pain and suffering for the attempt.
Quote:What I'm trying to say is that there's no "us" and "them". There is only the I AM and its learning about self. Of course, this means that on one level of reality, there is of course an "us" and "them" in brutal conflict. But it is not imposed. It's created.
"You can call me "Iam" for short" ? As I said in my previous post Tom learned that the hard way some time ago.
Created, or imposed it is as you say brutal.
Either way it is our choice either collectively, or individually to end that brutality.
Quote:Much love.
That would be a good start to ending it.