I appreciate all your comments and while your suggestions are all very much on target when talking about FEAR they do not apply to me anymore. Certainly not in the way they did back when I wrote the literary allusion.
The experiences in the unedited literary allusion happened 20 to 25 years ago and I did not write it until 2001 and that was preceded by a great deal of paranormal phenomenon over a period of many months leading up to 911.
When I first had those experiences I was in what is referred to as the Startling Phase. When I wrote the literary allusion I was in what is referred to as the Adjustment Phase, but due to the bombarment of paranormal activity
I found myself Startled back into a Readjustment Phase.
It was my fault. I asked for it.
Many Voice Hearers never make it out of the Adjustment Phase, but if we do as I have we call that the Stabilization Phase.
Please don't get the idea I am writing to you as an Alien.
If you look back in the dolphin thread in the post with the link here I made this comment.
Bear in mind though that what I will tell you about it is a thing separate from me, a record from a past space, a doorway into new spaces through which I have passed and that am not of a mind, or desire to return through.
The experiences in the unedited literary allusion happened 20 to 25 years ago and I did not write it until 2001 and that was preceded by a great deal of paranormal phenomenon over a period of many months leading up to 911.
When I first had those experiences I was in what is referred to as the Startling Phase. When I wrote the literary allusion I was in what is referred to as the Adjustment Phase, but due to the bombarment of paranormal activity
I found myself Startled back into a Readjustment Phase.
It was my fault. I asked for it.
Many Voice Hearers never make it out of the Adjustment Phase, but if we do as I have we call that the Stabilization Phase.
Please don't get the idea I am writing to you as an Alien.
If you look back in the dolphin thread in the post with the link here I made this comment.
Bear in mind though that what I will tell you about it is a thing separate from me, a record from a past space, a doorway into new spaces through which I have passed and that am not of a mind, or desire to return through.