(05-08-2010, 03:54 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I too am curious as to which aliens you are referring to, since there are both 'good' and 'bad' aliens (or, more precisely, STO and STS oriented aliens).
Some Voice Hearer’s for lack of a better way to describe to someone the nature of their voices refer to them as angels, or demons which would coincide with your good versus evil curiosity.
I was blessed the angelic type although in my case it was an alien and not an angel. There is a great deal of detail I could go into, but I would prefer to take things a bit slow for now.
Just to wet your appetite though I will tell you a true story and one of my greatest encounters since it is already written from having shared it with others.
It happened a long time ago when I was 25 years old, but I remember it as clearly as though it were only yesterday.
It was during this period of my life that I was very heavy into deep meditation as a means of exploring the COSMOS.
I recall it was an hour, or two past midday as the sun was still high up in the sky.
I was sitting on the ground up against a Great Oak Tree enjoying the shade and looking out over a Lake.
As I was sinking into my meditative state of consciousness I became transfixed on an enormous swarm of water gnats that was hovering about 100 yards out (A football Field) over the surface of the Lake.
I recall thinking to myself how I had never seen such a large swarm as that and then the next thing I know I am overtaken by the distinct feeling someone else was nearby.
It was very subtle. In fact at first I disregarded it as my imagination playing tricks on me.
Right at that moment the giant Swarm of Gnats that I had been observing hovering over the lake in a stationary position began moving directly towards me.
It made a Bee Line straight at me and within the span of few minutes it arrived hovering directly not more than two, or three feet in front of my eyes. (To my left)
As it was making its way towards me it occurred to me that its presence was the source of that distinct feeling I had that someone was nearby.
Naturally I doubted that as a realistic explanation up until the moment of what happened next.
At the moment it arrived to hover directly next to me I was aware of a consciousness other than my own. It felt as though my consciousness was co-mingling with another consciousness.
The best way I could describe it would be to say it was like being in the same room with someone.
Before I had a chance to even consider dismissing the idea I realized that the consciousness was communicating with me. It was like my thoughts were in communion with the others thoughts.
It was not an exchange in words, or sentences though.
I do remember formulating my thoughts in mental words, but the response came in the form of a translation of immediate understanding as opposed to a verbal component.
I experienced no fear whatsoever. I felt excited and extraordinarily fascinated as our exchange progressed.
This consciousness was nearly as surprised of me as I was of it. Evidently its kind rarely makes contact with my kind. During our exchange I came to understand that the reason for that is that my kind is a bit deficient when it comes to even being capable of awareness of the existence of its form of consciousness which was the reason it had taken such interest in me in the first place.
At some point I began to realize that our encounter was not going to last much longer when I was overcome by an intuitive understanding that this other consciousness was ending our exchange.
I realized that our exchange was leading up to it saying goodbye to me.
As I realized we were in the final moments of our communion this other consciousness enveloped me in a very warm mental embrace that made me feel like a little kid being hugged by a very old and loving grandparent.
Right at that moment the entire Swarm of Gnats began to speed up the gyrations in its flight pattern into a frenzy and then right before my very eyes formed the distinct pattern of the atomic structure and began heading back out to the lake.
I recall my whole body tingling with the excitement of having just had an experience of a lifetime and my thoughts were overwhelmed with wide eyed wonderment at such magic as I had just been blessed to have experienced.