01-08-2014, 03:21 PM
this is freaking me out how much we think alike. i am only 16 and i feel that people like us are all on the right path and are alike, as for what u said about contacting, yes i will not get to wrapped up and yes the positive intent works! and what u said about it may be contact in a different way, the next night before i started questioning if the being was evil i had a weeeird feelking dream and all i remember from the dream is the concept or message "always repay those who have done things for you, it is part of destiny" it was weird thats all i could remember was those words or that concept so maybe now that i let sceptisism of the being go i will get more contacts like this. also what do you think of the fact i am 16 and think like this and talk about this stuff, my point of veiw i mean, the fact that i see the current way the world has war and negativity is wrong and that world leaders are bad because greed is bad and greed and power has influenced all the leaders
Dreams are very interesting and where a huge deal of learning can and is done. Start a dream dairy I feel a bit hypocritical saying this as it's not something I have done for a while now but it could be beneficial. Your age has no real relevance to your consciousness and the way you think. How old do you think I am?. If it's any comfort none of my friends are shall we say spiritually inclined just be joyous of your experience and let it teach you as much as possible.
this is freaking me out how much we think alike. i am only 16 and i feel that people like us are all on the right path and are alike, as for what u said about contacting, yes i will not get to wrapped up and yes the positive intent works! and what u said about it may be contact in a different way, the next night before i started questioning if the being was evil i had a weeeird feelking dream and all i remember from the dream is the concept or message "always repay those who have done things for you, it is part of destiny" it was weird thats all i could remember was those words or that concept so maybe now that i let sceptisism of the being go i will get more contacts like this. also what do you think of the fact i am 16 and think like this and talk about this stuff, my point of veiw i mean, the fact that i see the current way the world has war and negativity is wrong and that world leaders are bad because greed is bad and greed and power has influenced all the leaders
Dreams are very interesting and where a huge deal of learning can and is done. Start a dream dairy I feel a bit hypocritical saying this as it's not something I have done for a while now but it could be beneficial. Your age has no real relevance to your consciousness and the way you think. How old do you think I am?. If it's any comfort none of my friends are shall we say spiritually inclined just be joyous of your experience and let it teach you as much as possible.