(01-08-2014, 03:00 PM)primordial abyss Wrote: In my opinion it is less likely that the other being prevented you from remembering the telecommunication as it is that the information is formatted in a way that you are not yet ready to synthesise.
Were you expecting a, 'Hi, my name is ______ , and the following words will suffice to express my mission;'...
Also I think it might be safe to say that one may not be able to assume anything based off the 'denseness of the shadow' as it is completely possible that something which is actually incarnate on a sub or post-frequency to our current experience we may only see something like a 'lack of light' as our receptors are yet incapable/ to relay this sort of info.
Wish him love if that is how you feel..?
haha wow friend i am suprised you pretty much read my mind, i was thinkin maybe he is ok with me remembering it its just i dont yet know how to remember telepathic communication that is why when i try to remember what i said it just doesnt make sense thank you1 and no ha i expected telepathic communication although i had no idea what it wud say. and as for the shadow thing thanks it may have just been his altered frequency it makes sense thank you
(01-08-2014, 03:02 PM)Rake Wrote:Quote:ah a very wise person. thank you friend, i agree it may be a grey thats what i thought, i am very knowledgeble of greys and if it was on i think it was not a "worker bee" grey it was a tall very advanced being. thank you so much! i will look into the channleing. Also what are ways i could draw it back for another contact(although when i ask that question i "feel" like i already know how i have just been waiitng to assure my confidence in myself. I really thank you for the help, also could i every try to channel the being? is channleing bad or does it make you vunerable to the being?
My friend I am no wiser than you. Desire is Action. What I mean is if from a balanced and open perspective you use your will/intention to make contact again then you increase the probability. Now I would say another contact like the one you had may not happen. You may be contacted telepathically or be given synchronicity's and such like. I would guess that you are perhaps connected to these entities and you had agreed the experience before incarnation.
Basically don't get wrapped up in making contact again. Accept what is and simply state your desire to have contact again when you are most ready and will most benefit.
On channeling it does not make you vulnerable, it is a natural state/function of consciousness. People have expressed concern but I fully believe that If you concentrate on only contacting positive entities and ask your guides and higher self to protect you from anything untoward you will be fine. I have a channeling book and the first step when meditating is to imagine yourself in a ball of light. I see this ball to be both protective and a means to increase your vibration to match incoming energies from another entity.
this is freaking me out how much we think alike. i am only 16 and i feel that people like us are all on the right path and are alike, as for what u said about contacting, yes i will not get to wrapped up and yes the positive intent works! and what u said about it may be contact in a different way, the next night before i started questioning if the being was evil i had a weeeird feelking dream and all i remember from the dream is the concept or message "always repay those who have done things for you, it is part of destiny" it was weird thats all i could remember was those words or that concept so maybe now that i let sceptisism of the being go i will get more contacts like this. also what do you think of the fact i am 16 and think like this and talk about this stuff, my point of veiw i mean, the fact that i see the current way the world has war and negativity is wrong and that world leaders are bad because greed is bad and greed and power has influenced all the leaders. also i hope you understand that what i told u was complete and utter truth, we always look for true stories about this stuff well there u go my experience was 100 percent real so take what u want from it i told you the experience with no alterations.